Nate fucking Presley

Beginne am Anfang

Because Taylor didn't cower down to anyone.

Especially not Nate fucking Presley.


"Girl, we look hot." Kally stated truthully as they stood in front of Taylor's big mirror, turning this way and that to check that everything was in place. Taylor grinned at her own reflection, checking her appearance over again.

Her dress was one of her favourites, and one she was yet to wear. It was black and tight all over, stopping just below her bottom and was sleeveless, a dip of a V in the front to reveal more, but not too much at the same time. Her black pumps only made her look taller, slimmer, and her red lipstick matched her lacy red bra and matching panties.

She was going all out tonight. Sexifying Kally and herself, Taylor was confident Nate would take notice. She wasn't cocky, or conceited, or anything like that, she just knew she looked good and Nate was attracted to her, so she just hoped she got the desired effect.

"Ready to go?" Taylor asked, and Kally nodded eagerly. They jumped into Kally's car and a few minutes later arrived at Mitch's house, the party already in full swing.

As they entered the room, Taylor walked straight to the kitchen and found a drink, one for her and one for Kally, and as she turned around to find her, she noticed that Oliver had already bet her to it.

She grinned as she watched the shocked face of Oliver take in Kally's small blue dress that showed more leg then anything. Walking back out towards the room where everyone was dancing, Taylor sculled the rest of her drink and joined in, actually having a little fun while dancing with the people on the floor or a good hour.

She knew as soon as he entered the room, though. She felt the air change, become hotter, and smirking, Taylor felt the shiver of excitement rip through her as she waited for the fun to begin.

Feeling hands on her waist, Taylor looked over her shoulder to find one of the drunken footballers, and smiled, dancing with him. Looking forward, her eyes instantly connected with Nate's as she moved in time with the footballer, and she watched as Nate's face went from surprise, to shock, to slight amusement, then anger.

Keeping eye contact with him, Taylor danced more seductively, and bit her lip slightly as Nate's scowl deepened. The way he was staring at her made the moment all the more intense, and Taylor wondered what the hell was running through his mind, before he turned and stormed off towards the kitchen.

She'd made him pissed.

Good. 1-0 to Weaving.

After another half an hour later, Taylor felt her bladder calling and rushed up the stairs to use Mitch's bathroom, when suddenly a hand gripped her on the upper arm and pushed her back onto the hidden wall, a gasp shooting out of her mouth as she felt her heart beating in fright.

Looking up, that fright disappeared when a very pissed, very scowly, Nate Presley stared down at her. They held eye contact for a long few seconds, before he looked down her body slowly, his scowl deepening. Then his eyes caught the tips of her lacy red bra, and he froze, his whole body tensing.

"What the fuck are you wearing?" He hissed out, his hands resting on either side her Taylor's head.

She watched his jaw muscle jump for a moment before meeting his eyes again and putting on her most innocent face.

"A dress. Don't you like it?"

Nate tensed up even more, if possible, and spat out a reply. "What are you trying to do, give every guy the fastest boner ever?"

Taylor cocked her head to the side, her innocent expression still on her face. "Is it working?"

Pushing his lower body roughly into Taylor's, Nate's eyes darkened.

"You tell me."

Taylor bit her lip to keep in the gasp that was stuck in her throat. Okay, so part of her plan was working. Get Nate frustrated. He was, she could feel it. Literally.

"Why would you care anyway? It's just what sluts like me dress like, to try and get some attention." Taylor spat back, her anger getting the better of her.

Nate's face softened slightly, and he sighed, turning his head down so his forehead was nearly touching hers. "I didn't say what Alexis said, Taylor."

"It doesn't matter if you did. It shouldn't matter if you did." Taylor replied, and her heart skittered at the look in his eyes when they latched onto hers again.

She already felt like caving. Nate was just too close for her to stay mad. And with his lower region pushing against hers, she was finding it distracting, to say the least.

"But it does." He stated quietly. "I can tell."

Damn. Here she was, trying to act all tough and angry, when all Nate has to do his use his husky voice and look a little sincere, and suddenly she was a pile of mush again?

Oh no, Taylor said, straightening her body against the wall. No way in hell was she giving up that quickly.

"Well, drop it." Taylor said, pushing as his chest and watching in relief, and disappointment as he stepped back. "I'm going to enjoy the rest of my night."

With that, Taylor turned on her heel and walked towards the stairs again, before turning quickly and looking back at Nate.

"Oh, and you might want to find someone to help with that little...problem, because it sure as hell won't be me tonight."

With his scowl fresh in her mind, Taylor walked down the stairs feeling like the most powerful woman ever. She know knew how it felt to be Beyonce, all fierce and shit.

Well, Nate fucking Presley had it coming. Her plan was offically in action. To beat him at his own game.

And Taylor was going to stick hard to that promise, because he needed a wake up call. If he expected her to be there when he acted like an asshole, then Taylor was going to have so much fun playing this little game.

"You better watch out, Nate fucking Prelsey." She muttered to herself as she joined in the party again.


Okay! So I decided to put a cast up, but then I did then didn't like it, so I took it down. I know, weird huh? But I get so annoyed sometimes on other peoples stories when I have this vivid picture of what their characters like in my head, then I look at the authors cast and then I GET SO MAD because it ruins my perception of the charactor soo...yeah, I'm just going to stop now.

Oh, and thanks for reading, if you are after this big spiel. I don't know how I feel about this chapter, it feels a little rushed for me, not enough depth or whatever.

But thank you for reading again and be sure to comment and vote!! Oh, and tell me what you think about the two cast members so far...


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