Nate fucking Presley

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"Did the mug threaten to spill coffee on your skirt or do you enjoy torturing poor, innocent, pieces of china?" Kally questioned as she sat on a stool next to the booth Taylor was currently cleaning the shit out of the mugs on.

Taylor shot her a glare, placing the mug upside down with more force than necessary as she moved on to the last one before the diner closed. "You do realise it's a cup, and cups don't have feelings."

"Harsh, T." Kally mumbled, and Taylor ignored her as she removed her apron and hung it up in the staffs room. When she walked back out with her bag in tow, she found Kally tapping on the goldfish tank, her face lit up with amusement as the fish swam hurriedly away from her outside the glass.

"You done scaring my bosses tropical fish?"

"You done being in a pissy mood?"


"Then me either."

Taylor groaned, dragging her away from the fish tank and yelling out a goodbye to Tammy, before the two walked out into the fading afternoon towards Kally's car. Taylor looked upwards at the sky, and grimaced when she saw the clouds. Dark and moody, just like her.

"You ready for Mitch's party tonight? It's going to be raging, apparently." Kally said conversationally, but all Taylor replied with was a grunt.

"You know you can't stay this mad forever." Kally commented as they pulled out of the parking lot and started driving towards Taylor's home.

"I'm not mad."

All Kally did was laugh.

"I'm just so annoyed that I actually thought that jerk cared! I mean, even if he didn't say what Alexis said, then you would think he would at least defend me, but no, Alexis is obviously his favourite call girl." Taylor ranted, her anger fuelling again, if possible.

Kally stared at her wide eyed for a second before looking back onto the road. Her best friend had it bad for Nate, even if she didn't see quite how much yet. Kally remembered Oliver's explaination of Nate's behaviour, and thought it matched him perfectly. Not that Taylor would appreciate it.

Oliver had told her that Nate definately had feelings for Taylor, and that alone scared the living daylights out of him. His basic defense move was to act like a douche, and Kally smiled to herself when she glanced over at Taylor again, who sat fuming in the passenger seat.

I Nate thought he could be the one on top with all his male bravado and asshole comments, then he was wrong. Taylor was like his female equivelent, and she knew that Nate would soon find out soon how he had already lost before he even realised this little game had begun.

Taylor turned up the radio and huffed in annoyance, a plan forming in her head slowly. Suddenly, she leapt upright, startling Kally and making her shout curses at Taylor.

"Kally, I've got it."

"Got what? Split personality? Because I swear you were just sulking, so don't you sit there and tell me you're suddenly on cloud nine-"

"No, K. I've got a plan that will show Nate who's boss." Taylor said, smirking. Kally just breathed out and shook her head slightly.

"Will one of you end up in the emergency room after this 'little plan'?" Kally asked.

Taylor shrugged. "I'm not ruling out the possibility."

Kally grinned, pulling into Taylor's driveway and turning off the ignition.

As Taylor unlocked her front door, the plan a little clearer in her head, she smirked and thought of Nate's reaction he would have in a few hours. She thought it was cute how he suddenly thought throwing her a few harmful words, she'd cower away in fear. She knew of his commitment troubles, and tonight she was going to test the theory of him not caring for her, because as much as Nate wanted to think he was the one in charge, he had another thing coming.

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