Wong Hysonn

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A/N:- Hey guys 👋🏽😊...long time no see. Hope you like this chapter. Please do vote, comment and share 💞

Jina's P.O.V

My eye instantly open up when I felt a splash of water thrown on my face. The force was so strong that many water droplets reached to my nostrils, making me cough and difficult to breath. Opening my eyes, I see the culprit that have done this.

It was none other than the man I'm married to. Looking at his smirking face, it's clear that he is enjoying mocking me. "Will you lay here all day like a dead fish?"

I quickly get up, and the same time Aesook comes out of the bathroom, freshly showered with a glowing face. "Ahh~ so refreshing." Stretching her long arms, she is smiling brightly at Jungkook who is just glaring at her. Seeing his mood, her smile drops, and she rolls her eyes, “Why are so moody in this early in the morning, even though for what we did last night."

"Why did you bring this bitch here?" He asks her angrily, "Why does...", he didn't complete his sentence because he is keeping calm, to not let the anger  maintaining his anger.

Aesook glares back at him, rolls her eyes. "Don't speak to me with that tone of yours." She dries her head with towel, and replies to his question. "And why do want her to stay out at late night?? So that she complain files to police? Getting caught?"

Jungkook bursts a chuckle, "Who will file a complain? Her?" He chuckles again, but this time his voice sounds scary to me. "Sure sure...she can go ahead. If she really wants her family and that bastard sonof her's to suffer, then I have no problem with it." He looks at me with an evil smirk on his face, “Go ahead if you're so brave enough, I mean I won't stop. Who am I to stop anyways?"

I was so totally speechless, but Jungkook said those words without any so hesitation. My hands automatically went to mouth, to prevent myself from gasping.  The fact I am shocked will be an understatement.

To hear something so brutual about my son from his mouth was too much hurtful compare to whatever pain I received from him. He stood infront of me, placing his left hands on my head, running his fingers through my hair. I know there's not a single ounce of affection in that act.

Placing his right fingers under my chin, he makes me face him forcibly. With a honey, melodious tone, he asks, "Jina, my lovely wife. Do you really want something this brutal happening to your little, pathetic family?"

His voice was sweet sweet but words were poison. I don't reply to him, staring at him blankly. If I try to speak, I will probably start crying. And, I don't want to look weak so I try to hold back all the emotions as much as possible. Since, I'm not answering, his grips on my hair and chin became harder, made me hiss in pain.

Aesook groans in frustration and throws a fit on he air,"Oh Jungkook! I don't want waste our precious time on these type of bullshits." She pulls him away from me, and  "Lets just not ruin our vacation."

Jungkook has an unreadable expression, and I  couldn't make out whether he is agreeing with her or being angry at her. Aesook faces me,"Jina, just don't get upset this hot-headed asshole. Don't tell the police or try to do anything funny, ok?"

I don't want to reply to her,  infact I want her to push way from me and Jungkook. But, she is Jungkook's lover, and he won't forgive me or hesitate to slap me if I show any sort of outrage against her. I already learned my lesson last time, and I got the sudden of that moment. Since, I don't want to experience something like that again, I nod my head to her words. She smiles cheekily, and hugs me. "You're so sweet. Just don't disobey him."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2020 ⏰

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