Ugly Monster

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Jina's P.O.V

I remember my teacher in 8th grade said once, "We should always expect the unexpected."

Today, I understood the real meaning behind that sentence. How every twisted scences are unfolding in the blink of an eye, and it's not even 24 hours since I got married.

Now I don't know what to expect, and what to not expect.

Yesterday was so bright, so colourful and the whole church filled with happiness. But today it's completely opposite. The happiness is now replaced with grief, sorrow and miseries. All the colourful and beautiful clothes, but no happy faces.

My wedding dress is slightly heavy, and I  badly want to remove it. My makeup and hair is messed up, and I don't have any time or energy to fix it.

At least I don't have to worry about my baby son, who was taken to my parents house, since he was tired and sleepy. Jungkook's father hired a caretaker lady for Jungsu, to take care of him, and my parents and I couldn' be more thankful to him.

Everywhere I see people with crying faces, blank faces, and faces with full of pity. Most of the guests left the church.

Surprisingly, the period cramps didn't hurt, or probably I didn't feel it? Probably, my mind was engrossed of too much things going around me.

Yesterday, Jungkook's behaviour caught me off guard, and also made me cry too. But, I can't judge him or blame him for his actions. I remember I was so upset and angry when my grandparents died, and I throwing tantrums at my family for weeks. So his action was justified.

I didn't mean to order him around, because I didn't know he used to smoke in the first place. He probably just needed to take out his frustration of his family's loss by smoking, and I interrupted him.

It was my fault after all.

After the last encounter, I haven't seen Jungkook after that, which makes me more worried about him. He was out of everyone's sight since yesterday evening.

Junkook's mother, now currently my mother-in-law was sobbing silently at the front bench. With a heavy heart, I sit beside her. She then looks at me, her eyes bloodshot red from crying, that even left marks on her pale cheeks fully. My heart clenched at the sight, she didnt look like the same happy-friendly person I met a week ago.

Without any warning, mother-in-law hugs me. The sudden action made me frozen at my place, but eventually I return the hug. "I am s-sorry." She says in between her sons. "I know it's should be happiest moment, but i-"

I immediately interrupt by breaking the hug, and shake my head. "No Eommonim, I'm okay. We can't control the situation. I'm not upset or annoyed about anything. Don't worry."

Mother-in-law flashes me a soft smile, and sniffs her nose with the tissue in her hand. Bitting my lip, I gather my courage to ask. "Where's Jungkook? He is been missing since yesterday. And, it's almost evening now."

"I also have no idea. His friends went for searching, but still no information." Mother-in-law sighs, "He was usually so shy, bubbly and outgoing, then he suddenly changed into a new person. It's like I also don't know my son."

My eyes furrows at the sudden information. "Really?" I question, confused.

"Yeah. I do understand my son's tantrum. It all started whe-"

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