Our First Kiss

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"Stan our group WINNER.justare talented and good looking too you BITCHES, don't underestimate us. Support this book and VOTE this chapter."
-Kim Jinwoo from WINNER

Jina's P.O.V

18 missedcalls and 27 messages from Cutie SeungHee<3
19 missedcalls and 34 messages from Lovely Arin
5 missedcalls and 10 messages from Jaehwaaanie.

I sighed as I saw my phone is bombarded with these notifications. I'm too tired to even open the messages. What most shocking and really upset is that there is not a single misscall and or a single message from Jinwoo.

Earlier in our relationship there isn't a day he wouldn't text me, even during his busy days he would text at least once.

Kim Jinwoo-my definition of perfection, enchanting, charming, captivating and all other those words in the Oxford dictionary that means perfection.

Everything about him is beautiful -his face, his eyes, nose, those kissable lips, his hands that gives comfort and warmth. His warm personality, his melodic voice, his silly jokes, his childishness.

The reason I fell for this guy is that he didn't even judge me like when he came to know about JungSu. Didn't judge my past or said any of the hurtful things like other people-except for Arin, Seunghee and Jaehwan. He even accepted to be the father figure for JungSu.

It wasn't a dream but a reality when he asked me to be his girlfriend in one fine evening at the local park. It was best day of my life and I cherish it every moment.


Jinwoo put me by my shoulders out of nowhere and made me sit on one of the swing. "Did you know you were perfect?"
He asked while I was looking confused.

He laughed at my confused face and I blushed. He knelt down and held both of my hands and looked at me in the pleading eyes. "Answer me Jina"

"You sure you aren't you talking about yourself Mister?"

He laughed and shook his head. Then he started caressing one my cheek with one of his thumb, "Be my Girlfriend."

I wasn't able to contain happiness and I got up screamed so loudly that he fell backwards. "Oops." I covered my mouth and helped him to get up.
"So will you-"

"Yes Kim Jinwoo." Without wasting a second he landed his lips on mine.

Our first kiss.

Does he really cherish those little cute moments like I do? Is he really that busy that he can't even text.

Suddenly my thought was interrupted by sudden beep sounds of my phone. Who texted at this late night? And also it's freaking almost midnight.

Handsome JJK
Sleep tight Jina.

Jungkook is that you?

Handsome JJK
No. It's Justin Seagull.

Who is that?

Handsome JJK
I just made that up.

Handsome JJK
Of course it's me cutie. Who else has their initial as JJK

I thought you didn't go through my phone ? -_-

Handsome JJK
I didn't go through your personal stuffs I can promise you that.

Handsome JJK
But I would be honoured to be in your contact list.

Okay np but not with this name.

Handsome JJK
I forgot what I saved it as.


Handsome JJK
Oh thank you for the compliment. Your cite to.

*You're cute too

Handsome JJK
Oh thank you again for the compliment.


Handsome JJK

I have to work tomorrow.
So ttyl later.

Handsome JJK
Ok. Sweet dreams.

Same to you too.

I quickly changed the contact name from "Handsome JJK" to "Jungkook". After those messages my eyelids started to become heavy and I realized my phone's battery life is at 2%. I quickly charged my mobile and immediately went to sleep.


"You're fired Miss Park." This 4 words were enough to make my blood boil. I was trying my best to calm down but I think couldn't help myself.

"What?!" My own voice made me startled. With furrowed brows and starled noise I raised my voice even higher "You're... firing me?"

My boss aka bulldog started scratching his head nervously and sweat started forming on his forehead since my voice attracted a lots of customers attention. "I'm really sorry but the situation became like this and I have to tell this way." Not one ounce of his voice sounded he is sorry at all.

The images of JungSu, Dad and Mom's were started flooding in my mind and I feel punching his face with my fist to take out all of my frustrations. "Where did I go wr...."

"Well you didn't come yesterday..'

"Are you kidding me?!" I folded my arms arms. "Yesterday was my holiday and it was Mina's turn not mine."

"Then t-the day before yesterday you left early and we had l-line of customers....."

"Early?!" I stepped with my fist clenching. "I left half an hour after my shift was supposed to end. How is that early?"

He didn't answer and it is making me so angry that my head is going to explode. "How can you just fire me like that after all the things I did for you and also just before I leave?"

"Well we do have some new hires coming i-in and so....a-and we're restaffing, s-so it's just a lot right now." All the things that are coming from his mouth are not making any kind of sense and he is talking in circles just to confuse me.

New hires new and younger workers which means he can boss around. Crunching my face in disgust I took out the pass and logo and threw it on his face. I took my bag and left this placc from the back door.

A/N:- Short update. Sorrrry

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