Chapter 5

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It's already monday and i'm preparing for my part time job, my job will start at 6pm and it will end at 11pm.

It's already 5:30pm, i leave at my apartment and ride a bus.

"Annyeong, i'm Lee y/n the new partimer" i said.  "Annyeong y/n, i'm Kim naeun also a part timer" the girl with a brown hair said and smiled, i smiled back.

She teach me a lot of things and what to do "wow y/n this is really your firstime? You did great though" she said complimenting me. "Really? Thank you" i said happily.

I didn't do a lot today because it's just my first day, but i will be doing a lot tommorow. I kinda have fun serving the ice cream and sweets.

"Y/n i'm going this way, how about
you? " she asked. "I'm going that way also unnie" we both walked in the same direction. I call her unnie because she is 4 years older than me, she was born on 1999 and i was born on 2003. I also find out that she's going to a university after the summer vacation.

"Yaaassss bed! " i said and layed on my bed. I didn't do a lot but i feel so tired, i'm also kinda hungry.

I get up my lazy ass and looked at my fridge. "Why is my fridge empty?! " i suddenly remembered that me and Yuri ate a lot when she's here, i also forgot to do the groceries.

I'm gonna go groceries tommorow, and for my dinner for tonight i'll just go to the nearest convinient store. I look at my phone to see the time, it's already 12am ugh.

"Finally food! " i said and sit on the chair. I'm so hungry that i forgot to blow the ramen. "Aaahh it hurts huhu" i said almost teared up.

"Yah are you stupid why do you eat the ramen when you know its hot" Han said and sat beside me. "Mind your own bussiness" i rolled my eyes and blow my ramen and eat. 

"By the way what are you doing here at this hour? " i asked him even when my mouth is full. "Why is this so delicous" i said.

"I should be the one asking you that, young lady it's already late why are you still here huh" he asked back

"I asked first so you should answer first" he just sigh.

"I have something to buy and the nearest convinient store is closed, this is the second that is clostest, how about you huh" he answered.

"I forgot to buy groceries, today is my first day on my part time job i forgot to eat so i decided to eat here" i said.

"You've got a partime job? Where? " he asked.

"Ice cream parlor near the park" i answered still eating ramen.

"I'm full, now i can sleep in peace" i said while rubbing my stomach.

"Are you going home now? " Han asked.

"Yes, how about you? " i said.

"Me too, it's already late i'll walk you home"

"Thank you but i can manage" i smiled at him.

"I will still walk you home now let's go" he said leading the way.

"It's really late, that's why you're so small you sleep late" he said teasing.

"Wow looks who's talking you're just a bit taller than me excuse me" i rolled my eyes at him.

"I'm still taller than you though,haha tiny y/n cutie" he said giggling.

I just glared at him amd continued walking.

"We're here, thank you for walking me home" i smiled.

"No problem, ah by the way are you going to buy groceries tommorow?" He asked.

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