↳ the pyramid at the end of the world #3

Start from the beginning

"Well, I probably am." He tried to project confidence to them.

"Probably isn't good enough!" Brabbit took the helm of opposition.

"Well, probably is all you've got." The Doctor raised his voice. "It's your planet. I can't just give it away."

"You know what, sir? Finally, you've said something I agree with. It's our planet. Our choice." His smug tone send chills through her.

It was somewhat inevitable that army leaders, people wired for the hard reality of wars, would disagree with him. Even if he'd been through one of the universe's wort wars, this man would always have a kind heart. Both of his were soft for this planet and its inhabitants.

"You can't make a deal with them. You don't what you're agreeing to." He was almost begging. "I don't know."

"All I know is, I plan on living to fight another day." If this man kept on talking, he'd meet Lia's fist Sutcliffe style. "Right now, what we don't have is a whole lot of other days."

"Agreed." Both remaining leaders gave up on searching too.

"Doctor, is it just possible that they're right?" Bill said lowly while approaching him.

"Being right is easy." He told her. "We need to win."

Being right was not always easy. Ophelia kept on filing through countless pages of information, just ignoring what went on around her. One of the first things she'd learnt was how to work come what may, plus what good would it do to participate in a fruitless discussion? More than living up to the Doctor's expectations of her, an entire planet depended on their finding one lab among precisely three hundred and seventy others. Plus Bill's disbelief nagged her, like something that gets stuck beneath your nails. Her best friend had a history of making bad decisions while under pressure from extreme emotions, unlike her who just threw feelings in a corner to rot. Should this come down to Bill Potts deciding on Earth's fate, which given their luck would happen, she would be by her side to provide guidance. The Doctor was going to be Nardole's problem.

"Bill, go to the pyramid." The man in question ordered. "Ophelia, you too. Keep an eye on them all."

"What?" She stopped typing to look at him, noticing how everyone but them had left. So much had probably gone down while her focus laid somewhere else. "Keep an eye on three military leaders and a human?"

Bill hey-ed at how she'd have to be taken care of, then remembered Shareen's birthday party. Yeah, it'd be better to have supervision.

"Plus a few Monks." He really wanted to see again, if only to see her eyes. "Can you handle that?"

"I've handled worse" Her voice didn't sound all that reassuring.

"Nardole, with me. To the Tardis." Both raced out the door.

"Have you at least got a plan?" She called out and The Doctor turned to her with a dangerous smile.

Just as he trusted his friend to work past whatever had been bothering her during this last week, she knew he would not fail them.

"You'll be hearing from me."


Hear from him they did.

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