↳ the pyramid at the end of the world #2

Start from the beginning

"Great." Bill retorted. "Unless it kills us."

"Well, you could say that about anything."

For such a technologically advanced race, these guys had no notion of architecture. Their ship's exterior was a shameless rip off from ancient Egypt and its inside had no lighting at all, which made Bill's phone (Ophelia's had died somewhere around noon) the trio's only source of lightning. That was until they reached the rest of their entourage, where two soldiers held powerful lanterns. Those were great to shine light on a Monk's horrible complexion, making Ophelia hide behind her alien friend.

"The human race is about to end. The chain of events is already in motion. Life on Earth will cease by humanity's own hand. Observe."

Watching from close quarters, she could see that it didn't actually speak. Instead of moving what could pass as a rather dried up mouth, it's voice echoed inside their heads. That left her feeling violated which got worse as the wall behind it slid open, revealing several more of those horrid creatures. They stood around a two meters wide circle made of vertical fibreoptic cables, stretched from floor to ceiling, bony hands threading through them as one would when untangling messy wires.

"Ah." The Doctor slowly went in a lap, getting sonic readings to comprehend what was going on. "The simulation machine looks a bit different from the outside."

"We are modelling the future. Each thread is a chain of days, leading to your end." Slithering words entered their minds, one of the time travelers putting back sunglasses if only to not see theses things properly. "We can detect when a catastrophe is about to occur."

"And?" The time lord urged.

"Stop it from occurring." Came a somewhat funny answer.

In spite of their namesake, these monks didn't look very benevolent.

"You don't look much like guardian angels." Brabbit cut in, not enjoying being sidelined.

"We have chosen this form to look like you." The monk's reply didn't please him either.

"You look like corpses." He failed to see similarities between walking mummies and humans.

"You are corpses to us." Their alien guide faced towards them. "Your world is ending. You can do nothing, but we can save you."

"Save us, then." The Doctor threw a bait.

"To save you we must be asked." That sentence raised one big red flag for him, his assistant seemed to catch on judging by a raised eyebrow.

"Then what?" He feigned ignorance.

"We will protect you." Its condescension sounded even worse streamed directly into their brains.

"How long for?" Ophelia's glasses got taken off again, just to notice his eyebrows furrowed behind his own.


"Do you understand now? Do you see?" His head turned both ways, mentally pleading these humans heard him, before continuing laps around the room. "Asking them for help has conditions. Invite them in, and it will be the last free action you take."

"If you do not ask for help, then see the days to come. These are the threads that lead to one year in your future." Eight monks pulled out threads, reaching them out in invitation. "Take them as proof."

Having no other option left, Ophelia grabbed one and got sucked into flashing images. Acres of forest reduced to ashes, a city turned to ruins while another had been submerged by floodwaters, overturned cars, streets piled high with debris, hurricanes, fires, armies faced each other down. This was so far from what she'd been taught during training, nothing like the twins had learned in school. All of them let go at once, gasping for breath. She gave into a selfish though for moments, what would happen to her should this come to pass?

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