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*third person's pov*

the boys run to the unconscious girl laying on the road. the woman driving the car quickly called an ambulance which arrived in less than two minutes. "are any of you part of her family" the man asked, the boys shook their heads "he is her boyfriend" payton said "would you like to come with her sir?" jaden nodded in response still shocked by what he had just seen.

the woman in the car talked to the police, she was very nervous but josh and payton explained everything to the police making the woman be completely innocent.

avani, anthony, bryce and addison ran outside when they heard the ambulance leave "what the fuck happened?" addison yelled "b-becca" quinton tried to say "BECCA WHAT" avani yelled "sh-she got hit by a car" josh said, the girls started panicking "what the fuck happened" bryce asked concerned, the boys explained everything

*jaden's pov*

they took becca on a stretcher and told me to wait. i started walking all around the waiting room nervously until a nurse came to ask me some questions. they told me to call her family so, as i don't have her mom's number i called avani

"avani call her mom"

"addison, call her" avani said

"addison is calling her, how is she jaden"

"i don't know, im not allowed to be in there. shit avani its all my fucking fault"

"listen jaden, it isnt your fault at ALL, ok?"

"um i- i gotta go" i hung up

i waited impatiently.

her mother arrived within a few minutes and walked to me quickly

"your daughter, i, i don't" i said shaking

"jaden, jaden breath" she said, i took a deap breath

"im sorry miss" i said

"its not your fault jaden, it isnt" she said pulling me into a hug. a nurse came

"she is alive. the bad thing is that she has entered a coma that we do not know how long will last for. no organ has been affected, five ribs have been broken in addition to a wrist and a knee,which will take longer to recover. She has been lucky since it was a very strong blow. now we just have to wait and see how she recovers" she said

"can we see her?" i asked, she nodded and guided us to her room. "remember she is okay" the nurse said before opening the door. "you can go first" i told her mother, i wasnt ready.

after some long minutes she came back and gave me a weak smile, her eyes were red and puffy. i walked to the door and sighed before opening the door.

there she was, laying as pale as ever with tubes in ner nose and bruises all over her face. tears ran all over my face. "i love you babe" i muttered. i planted a kiss on her forehead softly and looked at her. "please wake up, just open your pretty eyes, come on its not that difficult" i said in between sobs. i admired her bruised face "im sorry" i said wiping my tears away.

i walked out of the room, everyone was there. addison pulled me into a hug. "how is she" avani asked "alive" is everything that i was able to say. miss smith came and hugged avani and addison.

we sat on the waiting room. her brother came with lily and walked to her mom. my phone started buzzing "incoming call mads" oh gosh no way. i obviously didn't answer, i just blocked her.

after some time the boys had to leave leaving me with addison and avani. "jaden it has been 15 hours, she isnt gonna wake up today, go rest" addison said patting my shoulder "you guys can go, ill be okay" i said, they made sure i was actually okay, i wasnt but they let me stay. her brother also left and her mother sat next to me. "i don't wanna leave yet" i said, she nodded "me neither" she said. i stared at a white wall, thousands of thoughts coming to my mind.

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