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"im really sorry becca. that must be really hard" he whispered and i nodded. "well now that i told you everything your turn to tell me what happened with mads?" he looked up to me "we just weren't meant to be" he said"thats not a reason to break up, really, tell me the story" i told him looking over his eyes, he sighed and started: "well, i was the one who broke up with her. i loved her, i really did but lately she has been acting SO stupid. all this social media stuff has got in her mind and she now has the biggest ego of them all. i mean, i broke up with her and she only told me not to announce it yet because she will lose followers, she is a f*cking clout chaser" he sighed. "icecream?" I asked. he gave me a weird look "we just had food" man i dont give a frick my fat ass wants food anyways. "lets just do something, we can't stay derpressed forever buddie" i said pulling him off bed. "no food" he smirked. "you can't stop me"

we both put our shoes on and hopped in the car "where should i drive" he asked "i. said. i. want. ice. cream. SO LETS GO" i said. "fine" we drove for a few minutes and got to the ice cream shop. hmm. i got cookie dough one, he got vanilla, simple.

we sat on a table outside and started eating our ice creams. "shit" he muttered, i looked at him confused. he wasn't even looking at me, he was looking at whatever was behind me. he then turned his eyes back to me "sorry" he said. "for wh-" i got interrupted by him connecting his lips with mine. "whoa whoa whoa what was that for?" i asked, he smirked, again, looking at whatever was behind me. i turned around and faced mads, his ex. i looked back to him. this little piece of shit. "did you really just kiss me to make your ex the clout chaser jelous?" i rolled my eyes, he didn't even answer he was still looking at mads. "hellooo, jaden?" i said patting his shoulder. he still ignored me. "fuck you" i said walking away. he grabbed my wrist and looked at me "let me go bud" i said pushing away his hand quite aggressively. i finally walked away.

_________________________back home_______________________________________

i laid on bed and started scrolling through tiktok. jaden dancing popped on the screen. gotta admit it, he is quite stupid but cute.. and maybe, well no maybes, he definitely kisses great. why am i so pissed? a few days ago i would have paid for him to say hi to me and look at me now, running away.

bbybryce is facetiming you. dont ask about his contact name, he put it to himself.

me: hey bryce

bryce: come over im boored

me: im too tired

bryce: then ill go

me: you literally live with your best friends how tf can you be bored?

bryce: because i prefer my girl best friend

me: damn i won huh?

bryce: yuhh

me: then you are totally allowed to come over.

josh: wait no, you come

me: oh hi josh

anthony: yeah yeah you come

me: is like the whole crew there?

kio: we just arrived, wheres jaden?

oh forgot to tell ya, i already met kio. the only one i don't know yet is quinton, im quite excited to meet him.

me: he is probably sticking his tongue on someone's throat to make mads jelous- did i just say that?

bryce: he kissed you?

me: bryce come over or ill just go to sleep

anthony: that was a whole conversation twist miss

me: i DonT caRee!

josh: we will not ask if you come over.

me: finee, you all love me so much.

kio: true

i smiled, i love this guys.

me: ill be there in less than an hour

bryce: see ya soon bubs

me: wow thats a new one

bryce: i like loser better.

nessa: hey bec

me: aye hi! well see ya guys in a bit

facetime ended

𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐑𝐓, hosslerWhere stories live. Discover now