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"beccaa!" Addison shouted as she got out of the shower "i need help i don't know what to wear and i don't have any cute clothes here aghh" she said panicking "lets look in my closet" i said walking towards it. i looked for a while and found a perfect dress, a black tight dress with no sleeves, obviously she loved it and looked gorgeous on it. i helped her get her hair done "make up" she said when i finished curling her hair, i shook my head "you look better without it, just put some lip gloss or whatevva but you look great" i said, she smiled and gave me a tight hug. she put on some shiny lip gloss and someone knocked at my door.

addison gave me a scared look "dont worry" i said pulling her into a hug. i walked to the door and revealed bryce nervous face, they are so cute.

"well have fun" i said as they left. I laid on bed and josh came in my room "bec" he said looking at me worried "whats up?" "um i kinda have a crush on someone and i dont know how to tell her.." he said with his hand making his way through his haid "just tell her straight, not by text tho. by the way, who is it?" I said smirking "uh im not going to tell you" he said "pleeeasee" i begged. he stood there in the middle of my room "you" he said looking at my eyes, i looked at him confused "me what?" I asked "i like you" he muttered, but i heard him "oh well i um i don't know what to say" i said confused, i don't like him, im a hundred percent sure this is just super awkward. "im kidding i like nessa" he said bursting into laughing "gosh you should have seen your face" he said almost out of breath because of the laughter "fuck you richards" i said sighing relieved and giggling, he laid next to me "i wanna take her on a cute date so help meh pwease" he smiled "thats so sweet but you know her better, maybe you have some special spot where you met or some shit like that, that's very romantic. the beach is always a good idea too" i said, he smiled at me and hugged me tight "you are the best, you knew that?" He said smiling, i nodded "of course i know" i said flipping my hair making us both laugh.

we took our phones and i checked social medias. i connected my phone to a jbl on my room and started vibing with the songs, dancing through all the bedroom. Jaden and kio joined me almost immediately with a girl called olivia, im not 100% sure but i think kio and her are dating. We were all dancing and singing for what seemed like an eternity until we all collapsed on bed laughing our asses off for no reason "it's crazy how we have only known you for a week" jaden said smiling at me, i nodded, it is super crazy i mean i used to stalk them and im a whole new person now, they even know who i am! yay hehe. olivia and kio left so jaden josh and i where the only ones in the room. "ima go look for nessa" josh said, i winked at him "good luck buddy" i said as he walked away leaving jaden and i alone

"since when do you live in la" he asked me "well since January, i finished my school year online and this year i am going to go to the school that is basically a street from here and i swear im gonna kill myself, how is it possible that there is only a week of summer vacation left?" I said, he looked at me and smiled widely "what school are you going to?" he asked "mhm *name of your school*" i answered "NO FUCKING WAY" he said hugging me "we all go to that school" he said smiling, i smiled widely too "that is great" i said hugging him back. "gotta tell ya, teachers there suck" he said sighing "im that annoying person who all teachers love so thats not a problem" i said laughing, he looked at me impressed "such a smarty" he said smiling, he is too damn cute myy gawwwdddd. "but im younger than you so im not going to the same classes" i said "do you know pay?" He asked, i shook my head "he is your age, you could meet him before school starts he is quite popular so yeah" he said "25$ if you kiss" Anthony laughed getting in the room, jaden grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him, i pecked his lips and pulled away quickly "give em to us" jaden said "that's not even a kiss" Anthony said showing us his middle finger. "ill give him a real one but you have to give us the money" i said, Anthony nodded "fine"

𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐑𝐓, hosslerWhere stories live. Discover now