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"so fuck me like a rockstar" thats my weird ass. singing in a bathroom in the middle of a concert. and yep, im dr- "dancing in a cop car". did someone just continue the song?. whoever he is has a great voice. why do i know it is a he? welp. the girls bathrooms were full so i just came in the boy ones as they were empty, and i repeat, im drunk, dont blame me, this concert is boring as fuck. at least there are drinks. it is celebrated every year. they collect money for the homeless, yes, it is a good cause but that doesn't change the fact that it is boring.

anyways, i got out of the bathroom trembling and saw a boy standing there, he looked familiar but i can't recognise him this drunk. "oh you are the one who continued the song, nice voice dudee" i gave him a really loose punch and heard him laugh. i looked at him and laughed too, trying to remeber who he is, goodd he really rings the bell.

"thanks buddy" he answered. "don't call me buddy, i have a name, rebecca, call me becca, WAIT NO, call me becc, i have always wanted people to call me that" . "im bryce" damn, right. i looked up to him covering my face over reacting quite a lot, he giggled. "i guess you know me already?" he smiled. i may or may not have a crush on one of the sway boys, jaden. ugh. im lying. of course i have a crush on him he is just perfect. "i do know you, and if i was sober i could say every single detail about you and your friends, specially jaden but not now, actually it is a miracle i remember my name" .

"BUDDY, whats taking you so long, we are sick of this shit" someone shouted knocking on the bathroom door. "poop" i answered, even though i knew he wasn't talking to me, and OF COURSE, i laughed my ass off being mature. Bryce laughed hard when i said that, not because of what i said but because of how crazy i was acting. "you should probably go home, you are gonna pass out if you continue drinking" he seemed worried. "is the fact that i don't remember whre my house is important? if it isn't, then you are right". i am not lying, i really dont remember anything. he sighed and picked me up, i smiled at him "impressive brycey"

he got out of the bathroom with me on his back, i had my eyes closed but i wasn't asleep. He stoped and started talking to two guys. (g1: guy one g2: guy two)

g1: bryce you can't bring someone home everyday

bryce: she is drunk asf, she is gonna faint if we just leave 'er here.

g2: gosh do you even know who she is?

bryce: who?

g2: i dont know! thats why im asking!

bryce: well i dont but she doesnt remember where she leaves so she is coming with us.

g1: fine but come quick, ness and mads are waiting for us.

"woah bryce where are we going" i said looking down to my chest and seeing a seatbealt over me. he was going to answer but i fell asleep.

𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐑𝐓, hosslerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ