"But you kissed  Mandy, you know I liked her but you dated her and you still humiliated her in front of everyone". Oh he remembers Mandy's story.
"I was angry then and you knew it, if it were now I wouldn't do  that, we were both boys then, you  know I was suppose to hang out with Chan for our team project that same week my dad grounded me, I begged you to talk to my dad, because he listens to you, but you blankly refused, because of you, I failed and it affected my result and my chance of talking my dad into getting me a space board, you know how much it meant to me then, but because of  you, my right was denied, all thanks to you". The memory has added more fury and I race towards him to punch him in the face another time and he stagger.

" I didn't want you to get more again, I wanted to be on top, couldn't you at least see that and let me have my way as the friend you love? I didn't want to feel like the pet anymore, you are the cute one, the Brain, everything and I was none".

"I wasn't you dummy, you had the good heart and everyone loved you, including my foster dad, what he couldn't do for me, he did multiple times for you, I was envious of you but I couldn't do anything about it, instead I got all I want on my own". I punch him straight on his nose and he  cough out blood, memories of my childhood infuriated me and I sit on his waist and punch him some more, blood stain my hand and body but I don't care.

" Cole!!!!!". And my hand freeze in the air, I turn to look at the familiar voice and I see Ira with a cute thing curled up in her arms, sparkling blue baby eyes meet mine, I move my gaze from the little creature to Stare at my heart beat, she looks so cute, its like the first time I discovered I had feelings for her, I move away from Walter and walk to meet my blue eyes gang .

The stupid guard dough bridges punch and knock off Ira, she was able to save the baby from kissing the ground, val lay on her mother's chest as Ira fall to the ground. I rush to her side and Bridge crack the crazy guards neck.

I hear the police van sing from outside the building and Hayley rush in with a police man, I place Ira on the sofa while Hayley help hold a crying val.

"Please Ira stay with me, hang in there, I'm here now, I'm never leaving, even if you force me to, please stay with me". My tears fall on her knuckles and she struggle to open her eyes which she later did, when her eyes meet mine a smile made its way on her lips, I  let her hand touch my bleeding lips, I pull her up without uttering a single word to her, I put her close to bridge and I collect my crying baby girl from Hayley, Val made little noise as I reach for her, to my surprise she stop crying and start smiling at me, clapping her two tiny hands to my both cheeks.
Ira is watching us as she hug bridge, but I don't stare at her, I hug my baby and kiss her face as she giggle, I walk to the car and sit quietly in the front, waiting for bridge to come get us out of here, the police carry a wounded Walter inside their van and the rest of his guards, bridge comes out with Ira beside him and Hayley on his other side, they ladies sit in the back of the car and I hold myself not to look behind, I miss her but  I'm so annoyed with her, she kept such an angel away from me, it has all the reason to make me furious.


Bridge takes us to Beth's house, before I will open my door, I see Cole already going in not caring if we are following him or not, no stare from him to me, the only time I saw his eyes was when he was  crying at Walters house, when bridges punch knock me off, I miss him, I woke up when I heard him say those words to me I thought he would forgive me but the opposite is what I got, well I deserve it but I just want to settle it all with him, cause I still love him, yeah a lot.

"Don't  worry dear, you two will sort things out". Mom said to me, I didn't know she was already beside me.
" yeah Ira, he won't stay angry for too long, just give him some  time, he'll come around besides he didn't come to save you to be far from you ". Bridge say to me and mom pulls me inside.

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