365 Days?

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"I'm getting that," Cynthia said, getting up.
She opened the door and it was Quinton.
"Hi baby," Cynthia said and kissed his cheek.
"Hi beautiful," Quinton said and smiled.
"Ew," I said, eating candy.
"Shut up," Cynthia said, giggling.
Quinton sat down next to Cynthia.
"Now can we watch that movie you wouldn't tell me about?" I said.
"Yeah but get comfy because it's a," Griffin said, "It's interesting."
"What movie?" Avani said.
"365 days," Cynthia said.
"I'm I the only one who doesn't know what the fuck the movie is about?" I said.
"I don't know either," Dixie said.
"Me either," Quinton said.
"Same here," Nessa said.
"Yeah I don't know," Addison said.
"What the fuck is that?" Avani said.
"Don't know what it's about," Kio said.
"Did anyone watch it yet?" I said.
"No we just heard about it," Josh said.
"Okay put it on what's the big deal?" I said.
I sat in Mattia's lap. Bryce put the movie on. Mattia laid down and I laid in between his legs, With my head on his chest. We got to the first sex scene.
"WOAH WHAT THE FUCK!" I practically yelled.
Quinton covered his eyes. Avani looked away. Addison laughed.
"Didn't expect this," Nessa said.
Mattia kept adjusting himself.
"You good?" Alvaro said.
"Mhm um yeah," Mattia said and cleared his throat.
Alejandro giggled.
"What's so funny?" I said.
"Buddy has a little friend," Kairi said.
"Fuck you guys," Mattia said.
I felt his member against my ass. My eyes widened.
"So want me to move orrrr?" I said, getting up.
"No babe you're fine," Mattia said and pulled me back down.
We finished the movie.
"That shit was wack," I said.
We all laughed. We hung around in the room for a couple more hours.

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