Anastasia's Suprise

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We went downstairs and waited for Mattia to come over. A little before noon he arrived. I put Anastasia down and opened the door.
"Hey gorgeous," Mattia said and kissed my cheek.
"Hey baby," I said.
"Mommy who's that?" Anastasia said, coming to my side, "Wait mommy is that your boyfriend?"
Mattia laughed a little.
"Yes that's my boyfriend baby," I said.
She had the biggest smile on her face and started jumping up and down. She did the grabby hands to Mattia so he picked her up.
"Don't worry I got that on video," Cynthia said.
"A literal live saver," I said.
We laughed. I took the car seat out of my car and put it in Mattia's.
"Babe, do you know how to work a car seat? I said.
"Well not exactly," Mattia said.
"Here I'll show you," I said.
I showed him how to do it.
"Oh okay it's easy," Mattia said.
"Mommy," Anastasia said, "You look beautiful."
I smiled.
"Thank you Ana you look beautiful too," I said and kissed her head.
"She's right," Mattia said, "You are beautiful."
I stood up on my tippy toes to try and kiss his cheek but I couldn't reach. He giggled a little. He bent down so I could reach and I kissed his cheek. We got in the car. Cynthia sat in the back and I sat in the passenger's seat.
"So where are we going?" I said.
"Six Flags," Mattia said and pulled out of the driveway.
"Okay I'll text everyone and tell them," I said, "Are the boys going?"
"Of course," Mattia said.
I texted the girls and the Sway boys and told them where we were going. They both said they were gonna meet us there.
"Wait mommy," Anastasia said, "Does that mean you are getting married?"
I looked at Mattia and we laughed.
"Baby we're too young," I said.
"Oh okay," She said.

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