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I had the window seat and Mattia was next to me, Cynthia next to him.
"How long is the flight?" I said to Mattia, "I wasn't listening."
"Like 7 hours I think I don't know either," Mattia said.
The flight started and we took off. I put my arm rest up and Mattia put his arm around me. I snuggled into him and fell asleep.
"Hey baby," Mattia said, lightly shaking me, "Wake up we're here."
I opened my eyes. I looked out the window and saw that we were landing.
"What time is it baby?" I said, stretching.
"Almost 4:30," Mattia said, kissing my head.
The plane landed and we got our bags. We waited outside for our rental car to get there. After a few minutes, the car got there and Mattia drove us to the hotel. I fell asleep again in the car. We got to the hotel and Mattia parked.

this chapter is short lol sorry

The One - Mattia Polibio V1Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt