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I saw Josh and Jaden cuddling Anastasia. I took a picture of them. Josh flipped me off. I giggled. Mattia kissed my cheek.
"We're going to the park," I said, picking Anastasia up.
"Have fun," Josh said.
"Bring back food," Jaden said.
I laughed a little. We went out to my car and I put Anastasia in her car seat. I got in the driver's seat and Mattia got in the passenger's seat. I started driving to the park. Mattia put one hand on my thigh. I put one hand on top of his. He turned his hand and interlocked his fingers with mine. I looked at him and smiled. We held hands until we got there. I parked and got out. I took Anastasia out of her car seat and put her down.
"Mommy come swing with me!" Anastasia said, grabbing my hand.
We walked over to the swings. I helped her get up and I sat next to her.
"Daddy push us!" Anastasia said, excitedly.
Mattia smiled. He started pushing us. Anastasia giggled.
"Higher daddy!" Anastasia said.
We stayed at the park for a few more hours then went back to the car. Anastasia fell asleep in her car seat.
"You hungry babe?" I said.
"Yeah kinda," Mattia said, his hand on my thigh.
I looked at him quickly and smiled.
"What do you wanna get to eat?" I said.
"I don't know baby," Mattia said, "You pick."
"I don't know either, that's why I asked you," I said.
"Chick-fil-a?" Mattia said.
"Sure," I said.
I drove to chick-fil-a and ordered food for everyone. I drove home and parked.

The One - Mattia Polibio V1Where stories live. Discover now