Uh Oh-

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I sat on his lap for a few more minutes. Cynthia texted me and said to meet her in the car in 10 minutes so we can get food before we go on the plane.
"Babe," I said, "Lets go to the car so we can get food."
I got up and looked down at his pants. Did I really just get my period ON him? He's gonna hate me oh my god.
"I'm sorry baby," I said.
He looked down at his pants and then back up at me. I started crying. He got up and pulled me into a hug.
"Hey baby," Mattia said, softly, "It's okay mamas. It's natural. Don't cry princess."
He kissed my head.
"I didn't know I was gonna get it," I said, "I didn't mean to. I'm so sorry."
"It's not your fault baby," Mattia said, "It's okay. I'm not mad at you."
We hugged for a couple more seconds.
"Baby," Mattia said, "Go in the bathroom and clean yourself up. I'll change out here."
I smiled and kissed him. This is the best man I've ever met. I looked in my closet for a different pair of pants. I grabbed a random pair of black sweatpants and a pair of underwear and went into the bathroom. I took care of myself and changed. I packed pads and tampons in my suitcase.
"I got a surprise for you baby," Mattia said, grabbing a bag.
"Ooo fun," I said and sat on my bed.
He gave me the bag. I opened it and saw a bunch of candy, my favorite chips, three of his hoodies, two of my favorite movies, and a gift card to Starbucks. I smiled.
"What's this for, baby?" I said.
"Well I got it a few days ago because I knew your period was coming up so I wanted to get you a little care package," He said.
I smiled so big. I jumped up and hugged him.
"I love you so much," I said.
"I love you more," Mattia said.
I kissed him. I put the bag in my suitcase and we went downstairs.

The One - Mattia Polibio V1Where stories live. Discover now