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"Im right here",Mel assured me in a soft soothing voice.she'd been stroking my back while I cried for the past two hours or so.

I was calmed down now but I had hiccups and kept sniffling.

The family had taken turns to check up on me occasionally, but the genuine ones stayed. Liz came in every five minutes with water or something she thought would comfort me .Mace sat on a chair next to the bed while Mel got her sisters to look after Timmy so she could sit on the bed with me,holding me.

If Brandon hadn't arrived the moment he did I can't imagine what would've happened.Mace and Larno were great helps in getting me home.they even did their best to explain what happened since I couldn't make out a single word due to my crying.

I was grateful for the Hopkins but it hurt not having Brandon here.I'd been so stupid.I put myself in that situation and like a responsible adult ,he had to come and save me.

I felt so stupid and I knew he wanted nothing to do with me .even after a brief shower I still felt disgusting. It didn't matter how much soap or gel I used up ,or even the thousands of rinses, I could still feel that man's hands all over me.

Brandon appeared at the doorway .He was a mess.His clothes were ripped almost completely off him.he was bloodstained and his fists were  reddened and bruised ;his eyelids thick and bloodshot.

Seeing the sight of him made me forget my own problems.I wanted to ask where he'd been and what was wrong and to apologize for earlier .I couldn't because Mel and Mace were giving me the kinda glare that says :"what are you going to do? "

The intensity was clogging the air as he walked in and sat on the edge of the bed with his back facing us.

"I'll go check on Timothy, he might be hungry".Mel scooched up and headed out,dragging Mace with this point the room was dead silent. We could hear distant screams from the lounge where Pete, Gary and zoey  were playing.

Pull yourself together. I thought to myself.

I frantically rubbed my eyes so that he doesn't point out how ridiculous I'm being for crying over something so small when clearly he'd been through something even worse.

I crawled and sat close enough to place a palm on his shoulder. I honestly anticipated the worst when he winced and took a deep breath in response to my palm resting on him.

"im sorry". His voice was but a whisper.


My response was a full blown, incredulous:"what?!"

He turned to meet my gaze,
"I'm sorry.I'm so sorry Laylah. I couldn't protect you when I should've ".

I couldn't stop the tears that came gushing out at that.

" you have no reason to be sorry. It wasn't your fault"I croak in my crying voice and try to wipe the tears with my arms.

His icy hands held my arms to stop me."it wasn't yours either",he cups my face in his hands .

His exterior is cold bit there's a softening in his eyes .

I pull away and give in to the stuff I've been meaning to say.
"Everything is such a mess.I'm here in this foreign place ,without my dad and your mom and dad,Bria, the girls.nothing makes sense right now,B."

He engulfs me in a desperate hug and I don't hold back.we're both crying .I don't mind that he's holding me so tightly ,it's the most comfort I've received all day.

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