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I rubbed my eyes and yawned deeply,stretching my arms and neck a little before placing my feet on the cool tiles.By the looks of it it was probably 9 or 10.I yawned once more and then reached for my phone on the draw near by .

2 new messages:
She's OK ..mite take while before she's back to her old self..but don't wori..will keep eye on her

"Where u mahn,party downtown,Sue's place...be there or I'm coming to drag you out of that place "

I heaved a sigh and threw the phone somewhere onto the bed before heading into the shower.

Ever since Mom was discharged I had to stay at the house to monitor her and prepare for family coming for the funeral.in no time the once quiet and chilled house was Filled with mourners,rowdy kids and heavybreasted women from the community bantering about who-knows-what.

I kept my breaths long as the steaming liquid gushed out of the showerhead.this was not on.every freaking time when my other half caused trouble I had to take the crap for it.Maybe him dying was the best thing that ever could happen.maybe here on I wouldn't have to deal with the likes of him ever again.

I turned the water off and wrapped a towel around my waist.then squeezed some minty paste onto the toothbrush I used whenever I was home ,and brushed.

There weren't many clothes that fit me around here.after all, I'd decided to move out right after highschool three years ago and that was a really long time considering how much I changed as a person altogether; from the style of clothes I used to wear and everything.

The only things I could find in the drawer were sweatpants,tracksuits, sweatshirts ,old t-shirts ,shorts and vests.most of em were quite small,too small to even fit my hands in.

after the longest time I've ever spent choosing clothes I managed to get a grey sweatshirt and an old dark blue sweatpants.whatever .this'll have to do.

Down in the kitchen a few ladies from the community were busying themselves  preparing to feed the large turnout .pots were simmering on mom's four plate and gas stoves ,and platters of snacks decked the counter.

I made sure non of the kitchen staff were looking when I picked up a cheese scone and a minijuice pack (probably meant for the kids),and exited through the kitchen.

Out at the back ,4 boys were playing around with my old soccer ball .

"Yo, Brandon, wanna play with us?", one of em called out when they caught sight of me walk by.

Back then when I used to be who I used to be ,I would've said yes without a doubt, but now.".No"

To my response I felt one of em tug at my shoulder and i turned.it was one my  aunt's kid,whatever his name was.

"Please bro,show us a couple of your moves.you used to play for our school team ,remember. We literally see you as our icon,and besides.. I've already bragged enough about about my twin cousins who are the awesomest thing ever,you have to come through for me", he lowered his voice at the last part.

I looked behind him at the three other

not being good is hard.

A Love UntamedOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz