Gone Missing

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I think it was almost 2am but I wasn't asleep.ever since I'd gotten back from Brandon's room the previous night.

I didn't plan what happen.I'm not crazy enough to leave the comfort of my own room to go and break down in front of my late Ben's brother;I knew better than that.

its just that I felt obligated to clear the air between the two of us no matter how absolutely ,utterly and completely unfair he was being.

As anticipated ,it was really awkward at first .we were both trying too hard to force conversation and he wasn't sympathetic about it at all.when he started asking genuine questions that's when it got real.

I answered honestly until he triggered something in me and I started wailing away my sorrows before him.I wasn't expecting him to hug me but I obliged anyway and fell into his arms and onto his vest.a vest that did very little in concealing his well toned abs and the outline of his torso.

When we pulled apart something in me yearned to feel the lips of Ben ,and what more better way of doing that than on someone who looked just like him.

I felt so stupid ,afterwards. He had every right to react the way he did ,he could be someone else's boyfriend ,for crying out loud.

Back in my own room I barely ate half of my lasagne .I felt super guilty for having done what I did.not just guilty,I felt stupid.

Imagin what he thinks of me ,now

All of these thoughts were racing in my mind.the only things I'd actually managed to get done was Facetime Cairo who went on and on about the stuff she was getting up to with Meraya.
Even she realised how distracted I was throughout the whole call.

After that I just sat by the window cuddling Ben's ash basin.I felt so guilty I actually left the thing in a corner far away from where I continued sitting by the window.

As much as it felt wrong it felt somewhat right.my body didn't tense as though I was in foreign arms .yes ,there is some history between Brandon and myself; childhood friends and rekindled that friendship even through highschool and later dated..but thanks to his actions we split up and I eventually ended up with Ben.

"Why are you so white?are you sick or something? ", 6year old Ben asked curiously ,tilting his head from side to side examining me carefully.

I shook my head as giggles escaped my lips but I didn't respond ;even I didn't know the answer to that.

"I think she's an angel or  a snow-woman", was Brandon's response with a proud smirk on his face.

We all burst out laughing ," there's no such thing as a snow-women!"said Ben .

Brandon, seemingly the boss between the two starts talking-"Whatever you are,you look reeaally cool.you want to play cops and robbers with us?",

I nod, Brandon takes me under his shoulder and the three of us start walking towards the jungle gym,"you can pretend to be dasmel in distress and I'll come save you from my brother the mean guy who stole you",he took us through the game before we started.

"OK", I simply said.

That was the first time we three met;at a park .

The transition from besties to lovers to sworn enemies took place between mid year of highschool after homecoming .

I don't really know what happened but Brandon changed a lot and Ben decided we shouldn't really associate ourselves with him.

Back in my hotel room I decided to get some sleep at least..if not for me then for ..the baby growing inside of me.
I changed out of blue skinny jeans and coral top, and into a sea blue onsie .
I got into the bed and closed my eyes.

[Knock on door]

Seriously?.. In the middle of the night? Which ghost comes knocking on the door ?don't they just float in or something?

"Who is it?", I grunt .

" Ms White, it's room service .You forgot your wallet at the reception ",a male's voice says .

I don't think much about it and just open the door so I could get back in bed; I was just starting to fall asleep.

By the time I had already opened the door it was too late to realise that my wallet was lying on the bedside drawer ,next to my phone.

I gulped hard and wide-eyed the unidentifiable stranger wearing a balaclava before me.

In a cool low voice he orders me to corporate so none gets hurt.i nod obediently .

"Hand me your phone and pack your bags."

What?no.im not going anywhere with this guy.

He shakes his head at my unwavering posture of not doing as I'm told." My men are positioned all around this hotel ,ready to attack the people close to you ,at my command. So if you know what's best for you, you will pass me that phone and pack everything you own.

I couldn't risk Brandon or Know or even the others getting hurt for my sake, so hesitantly do as I'm told.

"Good",the man growls and future escorts me out of my room and out of the hotel.

Outside ,I'm told to get into a car that I can't clearly identify since it's parked in a corner of the basement where light doesn't emit. Two men exchange money and one thanks the other but I can't clearly make them out since they're standing a good distance away from the car that I'm sitting in.

With all the doors being locked ,I can't exactly escape. In that instance I start saying my goodbyes to Earth..

It's been nice knowing you all .. please,thank my dad for everything and let him know that I loved him very much..

One of the men approach the car's driver side and that's when I completely pass out on the back seat.

It really is the end of me. it was great knowing you humans.


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