[35] - Owl Mom + Creepy Texts

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Here comes another week of nothing but practices to shape them up for qualifiers. Though by practices, I'm more sure it's gonna be filled with more penalties than actual practice. Though that's besides the point. The teams went through another day of brutal training, luckily afterwards the coaches decided to let them off and give them some free time. Others went to practice, some took the chance to catch up and some took the time to prepare to turn in early. Though there were a little duo who decided to have some quality time together.

That two were (M/n) and Akaashi who sat together off to the side, enjoying each other's company and taking a break from the two energetic captains. Bokuto hadn't bother Akaashi cause he was too busy bothering Tsukishima with Kuroo. Which also explains why Kuroo wasn't trying to get into (M/n) pants at the moment as well. Kenma had turn in earlier and by turn in it meant he went back to play games. (M/n) wasn't in the mood to go practice and seeing Akaashi alone by the side, as he watched Bokuto play just in case he needed to step in to help, he decided in an instant that he'd join him and not leave him by himself. Now the two were either watching the practice matches going on in a comfortable silence or having some small chit chat. While watching the practice matches, (M/n) couldn't help but keep his eyes locked on the ace wing spiker. There was just something so charming about him, staring at him helped him come up with a conversation topic.



"W-What..d-do you.. th-ink of...K-Kou?"

Akaashi was a bit caught off guard by sudden question, glancing at (M/n) to see him almost stare at his partner with memoizing eyes. The look he was giving Bokuto did make his stomach twist, his heart ached slightly in a bad way. He knew clearly that he was jealous but tired to push it away before turning back to stare at the energetic owl who was yet again screaming another "Hey!Hey!Hey!". Gathering his thoughts before softly speaking.

"Bokuto-san is really amazing.."

Just as Akaashi stated, Bokuto had went to block the opposite team's spike only to get hit in the face by a volleyball. The two froze as Bokuto landed back onto the ground, holding his face in slight pain as the others asked if he was okay. Though they were expecting a pained grunt or any signs of him being in pain, instead they were greeted with laughing Bokuto as he yelled "One more time!". Watching the carefree move, the two couldn't help but sweat-drop.

"As I was saying.."

Akaashi continued with his eye twitching, the one time he went and compliment Bokuto, something stupid went ahead and happened. (M/n) couldn't help but let out a small chuckle hearing the slightly annoyed tone in Akaashi's voice as he continued on.

"Bokuto-san has his moments.. but he is still a great player.."

(M/n) nodded along, agreeing to Akaashi's simple statements on their senior cause they were simply true. Thinking this made Akaashi feel slightly insecure, looking over at the amazing setter next to him, he almost feel inferior to him. Looking down as he voiced his thoughts. 

"Though..I maybe a powerhouse setter..."

Hearing the sudden statement caused (M/n)'s attention to be grabbed, looking away from the ace Fukurodani spiker to turn to the Fukurodani setter. He saw Akaashi's cheeks lighten with a pink hue as he softly stated.

"I still think (M/n) is way better.."

Hearing the small compliment caused (M/n)'s cheeks to heat up slightly. Though it's may not seem a lot to other, it really meant something deep to (M/n) especially coming from Akaashi. (M/n) almost felt himself unable to comprehend the small compliment, so he went to return one. Giving the second year setter a closed eyed smile, the flustered male stuttered a compliment back to the pretty setter.

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