Chapter 16 ~ Wild Flower

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I touch up my lipstick before placing it into my handbag, getting ready to meet Ashton and Luke.

I'm not going to lie, I'm still unsure how to feel about mine and Calum's chat last night. I'm toxic when it comes to my own emotions, I won't recognise them until I completely break down, but ignoring them is easier for everyone, including myself, and a perfect way to avoid what you're feeling is alcohol.

I'm about to leave when Calum walks in with pizza and a bottle of wine, "Hey, Y/N, I just wanted to apologise about last night, I got some pizza and a bottle of wine, I was thinking we could hang out?".
I smile, heading towards the door, "Thanks Calum, but I'm actually about to meet Ashton and Luke, we're going out for a few drinks- I'll talk to you later?".
He seems disappointed but smiles and nods.

I head out to the hotel lobby, meeting the guys before going down town.

~Calum's POV~

I guess this is karma, I knew I should of just made her mine. Now she's going out drinking, and she'll come home with some guy who doesn't even care about her.

I fucked up big time.

She gave me a second chance and I blew it..

Only thing left to focus on is my music- it's for the best right? I sigh out of frustration, open up my computer and begin to type.

"You wannabe, you wannabe, you wanna be, you wanna be closer,
I love it when you wear your hair down over your shoulder,
'Cause I wanna hold ya.."

I read over the few lines I've written, as much as I feel sad, I can't seem to write a sad song about her. The time we spend together is always amazing, I'm always happy when I'm with her...

I'm about to give up when I decide to read over other lyrics I've written down.

"You're the only one who makes me,
Every time we,
Tell you what I like,
My wildflower.
You know you are my favourite fantasy,
A fatal love song,
Waterfall is overflowin'
You're the only one who makes me,
Every time we,
Tell you what I like,
My wildflower".

I was never planning on using these lyrics- they were just something I wrote down after that amazing night I spent with Y/N.
On second thought, I don't want to write a sad song, or a love song filled with heartbreak.

I copy and paste the lyrics together, finishing off the versus and adding a few more lines to the chorus.

I hit save before checking the time; it's 1:37am. I guess they're having more than a few quiet drinks..

It's so quiet without her here with me, we spend so much time together, I guess I didn't realise how much I'd miss her company, even if it's just a few hours..

I head to bed.

I lay there hopelessly trying to fall asleep, but I can't stop thinking about her. About how much I've messed things up, I don't think I can go on like this, I made a mistake, I need to fix this, fix us.

I grab my phone, pulling up her contact, "Hey, can't stop thinking about you. I messed up, can we talk tomorrow? x".

I send the text and head off to sleep.

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