Chapter 14

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This chapter contains mature themes that may not be suitable for everyone

Few drinks in,
An hours passed,
And guess what?
We haven't discussed what we have written so far. So much for going over what we've written, "Sooo, hows everyone's songs going?".
Luke gets up, "How about another drink?".
The boys all nod in agreement.
I roll my eyes, and let out a frustrated sigh, "Maybe that drink will give me the power to write an amazing song".
Luke winks, "I'll pour yours extra strong then".
Ashton sends a reassuring smile, "It's alright Y/N, songs should come to you naturally, that's when the best music is written. Don't try and force it, or you'll just end up stressed, and have a song that doesn't mean much".
Michael nods and hands you his phone, it's open in his notes, "Take a look at my notes, whenever an idea pops into my head, even if I'm somewhere random, I just write it down in my notes for later".
I send them both a smile, "Thanks, that really helped clear my head a little".

The night goes on, we are all drinking and having fun, and even though I didn't get any ideas for song writing, Ashton and Michael gave me some really good advice.
Bonus, I got a little drunk, and it made me feel a whole lot better.

Eventually everyone goes back to their room and it's just Calum and I left, I flop down beside him on the couch, "Well tonight was fun", I yawn, "Must be time for bed".
Calum stumbles over to the speaker and connects his phone, "No way, the parties only just getting started!".
He grabs my hand and pulls me up off of the couch, he begins to dance.
I've never really been good at dancing, usually there's a crowd of people around me to hide how terrible I am but I dance anyways, because it's fun, and great cardio.

A slow song begins, I head towards the speaker to change it when Calum pulls me back, "No, don't change the song, it's perfect", he smiles, grabbing my hand and spinning me around.
I stubble over my own feet, falling into his chest. He wraps his arms around me, swaying to the music.

None of us said a word, but for those few minutes, it's like the world around us disappeared, I felt so safe in his arms. It felt like home on a winters day, sitting in front of the fire place. The warmth radiating through my body, sending goosebumps to my skin.

My head nuzzled in his chest, he gently lifts my chin up, locking eyes. Without hesitation, I kiss him. He lifts me up; I wrap my legs around him while he carries me to the bedroom.

At this moment, I didn't care what had happened, I just wanted to be with him, to feel his touch, his embrace, his kiss.

My limbs weak and sweaty, I'd clench around him, his name tumbling from my lips as I came. His head would nuzzle into my heaving breasts, my own name muffled as he spoke into my skin. His hair would become tangled in my fingers, our pleasure climaxed. My eyes weakly shut, a smile on my lips as I concentrated on the feeling of his penis still pulsing inside of me.

I collapse into his arms, left in shock, it was amazing. He traced his fingers back and forth along my back, "I can't believe we just did that".
I pull myself up, leaning against his chest, smirking, "I hope you don't regret it".
He shakes his head, letting out a chuckle, "Only regret is not having my way with you sooner".

I hope this chapter wasn't too much for anyone, it got a little bit heated 🔥
Thanks for reading

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