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Jungkooks pov

I look at jimin and he looks down starting the car and starting to drive.
I sigh "I don't want to get rid of it jimin....but.... .














I don't know if I'm ready....I'm so young....I don't think I could take care of a baby"
He nods "but I'll be here....right next to you helping and the others will help as well....we all will"

I look at him and smile a little "how do you feel about this?" He smiles "I'm happy....I always wanted a child....and I'm glad it'll be with you", he puts his free hand on my thigh making me giggle a little.

We arrive at the dance studio. We both climb out and walk inside. I gasp when yoongi runs to me "jungkook!!! Are you okay?!",  I giggle and nod "yeah hyung I'm fine...stop panicking", he nods "'s wrong with you"

Everyone else walks to us. I step back a little "'re gonna be uncles?", They all go silent.
Jin glares at jimin "you impregnated him?!", Jimin gulps and nods "y-yeah"

I smile and grab Jins hand "hyung it's okay...calm down" Jin glares at jimin and then looks at me and smiles "how far along are you?", I giggle "20 weeks..."

Taehyung gasps "let me see the bump!" I roll my eyes and lift my hoodie up so they can see my baby bump.
Han gasps "awe!! You both must be so excited!",
Jimin nods "I am....I get to be a father"

Hoseok giggles "what about you Kookie?" I shrug "I'm excited....but also scared....what If I don't do a good job?....what if the baby gets hurt?"  Felix rolls his eyes "oh hush you'll be an amazing mother"

Jimin pulls me to him and kisses my head resting his hands on my bump. I lean my head back on his shoulder and smile "can we dance now?" Jimin nods "but be careful please baby...."
I roll my eyes "I'll be fine..."

I walk into the studio and giggle.
I gasp a little seeing another class getting ready to dance. I walk to them "hey can I join in?" They all nod.
I smirk seeing jimin watching me.
I get into position....I've seen the routine before....I just hope I don't fuck it up..

We all start dancing when the music comes on

((Use your imagination))

Once I finish I laugh, the people I danced with look at me and gasp "you're so amazing at dancing!" I giggle a little "thank's my passion....but I might have to stop soon...I'll have a family soon",

One girl tilts her head "you're pregnant? shouldn't dance when pregnant", I huff "im sure I'll be fine" I turn and walk away to jimin who wraps his arms around me kissing my head "you dance so well baby" he rubs my baby bump making me giggle.

I yawn a little and watch Jin and namjoon dancing....they're so amazing together.... jin-hyung and namjoon-hyungs dancing skills are so underrated!....they should become famous for their dancing!!..

Jimin leans his chin on my shoulder "we're gonna be a family...." I nod "me,you, our daughter and all her uncles and aunts" he nods and kisses my neck a little "I'm so happy" I smile "me too.....I love you so much jimin" he chuckles "I love you too....and I love our baby girl"

I put my hands on top of his which were on my baby bump and smile....
I'll have a family...








What if I do something wrong?
What if I can't look after her??...
I don't know if I'll cope....
I have no idea how to look after babies....
Ohhh maybe this is a bad idea

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