B-but I'm Not Safe...

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((A/N:I can't honestly think straight rn, hospital isn't the most inspiring place to be.... so there will be a big time skip.. Im Sorry 💜))

One year later

Jungkooks pov

I sit in a room that was covered in foam pads with a straight jacket on..

Apparently I've gone crazier since being in this hospital...its been a.. Year? I think and I haven't seen any or my friends or family.... The only other humans I've seen are people trying to "treat" me and make me better

I lay down on my back and stare at the ceiling "one.... Two.... Three.... Fo-" I wince a little when a guard hits the door "STOP IT YOU PSYCHO!" I sit up and look down..

Ever since being put in here that's all I've been called... A psycho, I haven't heard taemins voice or seen him at all in here so I guess I'm getting better...
Nothing will be the same when I get out of here... Everyone will see me differently..

I hear the door unlock and a nurse walks in "jeon.... You have a visitor" I shake my head "no I don't... You used that last time" my eyes widen hearing a familiar voice "Kookie?"

I turn around and tear up seeing jennie stood there. Her smile fades "oh Kookie..." she walks towards me but a guard grabs her arm "don't go near it... Its dangerous" she pulls her arm out his grip "he isn't dangerous, go and suck a dick"

She walks to me and crouches down, she lowers her voice "is this how they always treat you?" I nod a little. She suddenly hugs me making me gasp. I feel her slide something down the back of the straight jacket.

I grab it with my hand.... A hair grip?
She leans back and looks at me "I know you know what to do with it" my eyes widen, I then manage to unlock the lock that was on the jacket.

I get my arms looser and the guard gasps "HEY!" the person that owns the hospital walks in "I've allowed him to have time outside... As long as his son isn't near him he won't go crazy again"

They take the jacket off me and I stand up. Jennie stands up and smiles "I have a surprise for you" I shake my head "I-I don't want it..." she grabs my hand "it'll be okay" she gently pulls me out the room and out the hospital I flinch a little when the sunlight hits my face

She pulls me behind the building, I see cameras following us and I let go of her hand "I-I w-want to go back inside.."

"aww and not even say hello?"

I gasp and turn around and tears stream down my cheeks

I gasp and turn around and tears stream down my cheeks

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He smiles "hello baby.." he gasps when I run to him and hug him tightly "h-hyung" I sob on his shoulder, he wraps his arms around me and rubs my back "its okay.... Calm down I'm here"

I grip his shirt tightly "I-I miss you so fucking much" he holds me tightly "I miss you too baby....so does jungmin... And everyone else which is why we've all-" I step back "a-all?" I look behind him and see everyone stood behind him.

My eyes widen seeing jin holding jungmin, I shake my head "no!! H-he isn't safe around me! T-take him away!!" I walk backwards and gasp when I fall over. I breath heavily, guards walk out to us but jimin stops them "STOP!"

Jimin walks to me and crouches down "hey....its okay, deep breaths.. In and out" I take deep breaths ignoring everyone else around us. Jimin brushes some hair out my face "good...its alright"

He galres at the guards and the manager that just walked out "don't you see what you have done?!" jimin stands up "you've made him scared to see his own son!!! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO HELP HIM NOT MAKE THINGS WORSE!!"

The manager nods "we are! We are protecting your son!" jimin scoffs "by taking his mother away!?" jin walks to me with jungmin.

Jimins pov

I continue to yell at the guards and the manager. Yoongi taps my shoulder "jimin... Look" I stop Yelling and turn around and I gasp seeing jungkook holding jungmin in his arms, jungmin looks at him and gasps "e-eomma"

Jungmin turned one a month ago and all he has wanted is his mother....
That's all he wants, when I put him to bed he screams for his mother...

And he wasn't the only one who wants jungkook 24/7

I haven't been able to hold him in my arms for a whole fucking year and I'm sick of it...
He's not crazy... He just needs support!

I glare at the manager "he is coming home... Understand?" he goes to speak but then nods "yes...that is fine..." I walk to jungkook, jungmin looks at me "appa! Eomma back!" I nod "he is... And he's coming home" jungkook looks at me shocked "b-but I'm not safe"

My heart breaks a little, I kiss his head "yes you are...." he gasps when I lift him up bridal style.
Oh my god... He's so thin!

He holds onto jungmin who is holding onto jungkook tightly making me smile

I don't give a fuck what the hospital says.. He is coming home

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