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Jungkooks pov

Me and jimin lay in bed together, he had patched my hands up again and put fresh bandages on and we are led together, we don't have anything on but there isnt any sexual tension or anything.
Jimin wraps his arms around me pulling me so I'm led closer to him

I look up at him "w-why does your ex do this to us?" he sighs "you really wanna know?" I nod a little and we both sit up a little

He looks at me and brushes some hair out my face "I use to be....someone who slept around a lot... I would sleep with older guys for money because I was homeless...and then when I was... 18?..taemin helped me... He gave me a home, food and everything I could ever want... And in return...i had sex with him"

My eyes widen "that's horrible" he nods "he use to call be all the petnames ever... I was so in love with him and I thought he loved me too.. it was on my 20th birthday when I found him in our bed with a girl...I ran away... And ever since then I have become a better person and will never turn back to that person I use to be"

I grab his hands and he bites his lip "I use to be a slut... Always wanting sex... And now because I'm successful and happy he wants to ruin that...in his mind he thinks I'm still the same as I use to be... But im not" I nod "I know you aren't... You're strong and my amazing boyfriend who I love so so much"

He smiles "and I love you too... I just want you to be happy and I'm so sorry for bringing all of this to you..." I look at my hands and shake my head "its not your fault... None of it is... Some people just can't get over past relationships...its not your fault"

We make eye contact and I lean in to kiss him but then stop and turn around quickly when I see something in the corner of my eye out the window. Jimin puts his hands on my waist, I look out the window and then stand up wrapping a bath robe around me

I walk to the window and look out it seeing if anyone is there, jimin tilts his head "what's wrong baby?" I look at him "you didn't see that!? I saw someone... Someone was here... Right by this window"

He stands up wrapping a bath robe around himself "I'm sure it's nothing baby...maybe just a bird.. There are guards everywhere nobody would be able to get past " he walks to me and looks out the window

I shake my head "no it was a person! I saw them hyung!! I saw them! Where did they go?!?!?!!!" I open the window and lean out it.

Jimins grabs my waist pulling me back inside "whoa! Don't go leaning out the window like that you can fall!" my eyes widen and I start to hear taemins voice in my head, I scream


He looks outside and shakes his head "there is nobody there baby" I nod looking at the tree "he's right there hyung! He's stood there glaring at me!!!! Get rid of him!" tears stream down my cheeks "where's jungmin?!?!!"

Jimins leans out the window a litrle and shake shis head "there's nothing there.... Nobody is there" I sob and fall to my knees still hearing his voice "where's jungmin?!" I stand up quickly changing my clothes.

Jimins gasps trying to stop me "jungkook stop! He's okay jungmin is with the people we trust! Taemin is in prison.. There is nobody there" I look at him and shake my head "I can hear him jimin!! He is going to take our son!!"
Jimins eyes widen "you hear him?"

I feel my hands staring to bleed again but I ignore it and rush out the house ignoring jimin Yelling my name. His voice gets louder and I run to jin and namjoons house and bang on the door "GIVE ME MY SON!!"

The door opens and I see felix holding jungmin. I quickly take jungmin from him and shake my head when felix tells me to calm down. I walk backwards holding jungmin close to me "I won't let you hurt him!"

I look around quickly trying to see where Taemin is... I hear him!!.... Why is nobody believing me!! I need to keep jungmin safe!

I can't trust any of them!!!!

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