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Jungkooks pov

I wake up to my alarm clock ringing, I grain and jump out of bed and change into some black jeans and a t-shirt, I put my shoes on and check the time....
I'm gonna be late for work!!

I run out my room and bump into yoongi who Huffs "jungkook don't run around the house" I nod "sorry sorry! Got to go!" I grab my things and run out the house and run as fast as I can reaching the café, I walk inside our of breath

My boss walks out "jungkook you okay?" I look at her panting "i-i-im fine..." She giggles "come on, the café needs to open" I nod "okay" I walk into the back room and put on an apron and then walk out to the counter, I look at my boss and huff "can I leave 5 minutes early today?? I've got dance practice with jimin....he's super strict"

She gasps "you mean park jimin?!!!" I nod, she smiles "is he as handsome and sexy as they say he is?! Omg how many tattoos does he have... you're so lucky!!!" I giggle "calm down...I guess he's okay looking....I don't know...he's got some on his arms, neck and chest I think...I'm not sure" she nods "you can leave whenever you like if it's to meet him!"

I roll my eyes "you lovesick fool" she giggles "he's so sexy kook! Can you blame me for loving him??....not romantically if I was close we'd be brother and sister" I laugh "right"

The door opens, I smile "welcome to th-"
"Don't be late later"
My eyes widen, my boss squeals "omg!" I gulp and look up to see jimin

I nod "i-i-im f-f-finishing e-earlier.." he smrirks "need picking up?" I shake my head "n-n-no i-i c-c-c-can w-w-walk...." He nods "when do you finish?" I look at my boss, she smiles "whenever is easier for you jimin"

Jimin nods "she's coming with me now" I huff "i-im still a boy..." My boss looks at me, I shake my head, she giggles and nods "of course, bye jungkook see you soon! Have fun" I glare at her and then take my apron off and hop over the counter, jimin gestures to the door "come on then" he walks out the door with me following

He points to a black car "get in" I shake my head "i-i said I can walk" he Huffs "you're testing my patience, I said" I gulp and then open the car door and get in, jimin gets in the drivers seat and looks at me "so disobedient" I look out the window making him huff

He starts the car and starts to drive, my phone goes off, I take it out my pocket and open it
                 Eomma Jin & kids

Eomma: guys did I just see right?...Kookie baby did you just get into jimins car??

Gucci model; omg our baby is growing up!!

Lil meow: with Jimin? I don't like guys know how jimin is with relationships...

Felix🐱: last time jimin was in a relationship he broke the girls heart after a week

Guys! I'm not dating jimin
And I never will!and plus
Am I the type of person to
Get into a relationship?

Gucci model: I guess not, I mean you've always put off the idea of being with someone


Eomma: Kookie!? What happened?!


I glare at jimin, be just snatched my phone out my hand!!!

Jimin Huffs "get out now we're here...oh and also change into this" he hands me a bag, I tilt my head "can I have my phone?" He shakes his head "after practice" I huff and get out the car and walk into the studio and straight to the changing rooms.

I look into the bag and my eyes widen "I am not wearing this..." I hear a chuckle behind me "yes you are..." I turn around to face jimin "but I'm not a girl!" He shrugs "that doesn't matter, change now and I might go easy this time" he walks away

I sigh and change into (top photo) and leave my converse on, I walk out to the dance room and chuck my things on the floor, i look's so quiet with people in here... Jimin walks in wearing sweatpants and a tank top, he looks at me "sit and watch me..." I sit down crossed legs facing him, he sighs "close your legs"

I blush and then sit on my knees, he rolls his eyes "jeez would've thought you'd know how to act like a lady" I cross my arms "I'm not a girl..." He nods "uh hu whatever just stay silent and watch"

He puts on some music and starts to dance (top video)

I watch him dance staying silent the whole way through.... The dance is so gentle and elegant....his appearance is what ruins it...he has tattoos and is very muscular...not sweet at all....he is an amazing dancer though...he moves with the music... amazing skills

He looks at me and smirks "you didn't speak while I was dancing" I stand up "because you told me not to.." he chuckles "finally a student who listens...right okay what we are gonna do is you're gonna watch and listen and copy every move I make" I nod
(3 hours in)

Jimin huffs "1 and 2... Omg what are you doing with your hands?!" I huff and sit on the floor "exactly what you did..." He crosses his arms "you are rubbish at this!" I nod "not all of us are professionals..." He growls "did you just backchat me?" I shake my head quickly "no no not at all" he nods "I thought get up we're doing it again"

I stand up "can't we have a break?" He turns to me "you think in the middle of a routine you can just sit on the floor?! You're wrong you're always moving in dance!! So get that into your brain! Keep moving little one!" I look down and nod "o-okay..."

I continue copying him and learning

Jimin stops the music, I look at him panting and sweating, he scoffs "you look terrible....go home...get ready for the party tonight." He then leaves the room

I groan and sit on the floor...wait...what party?!....and he still has my phone!!

I stand up and run after him after grabbing my things but then get outside to see that his car isn't here, I sigh "dammit!" I take a slow walk home

I open the door and flop on the couch and whine "everything hurts!!!" Taehyung runs in "omg kook we thought he killed you!" I look at him and sit up  "he basically did! I'm going to ache for ages! I don't even get a break! It's routine after routine after routine!!" Yoongi walks in "yeah that's how jimin is.... we're lucky hoseok teaches us privately....Namjoon teaches Jin and Han teaches Felix"

I groan and flop back on the couch "and then he expects me to go to some party tonight!....he's a fucking asshole" yoongi laughs "oh yeah we forgot to tell you about the way what are you wearing?"

I huff "jimin made me wear it....that bitch also has my phone!!" Taehyung nods "we assumed he has since you didnt reply to us" Jin and Felix walk in and look at me confused, Felix giggles "you look like death" I nod "I feel like death...can one of you guys go to jimin and get my phone at the party? I don't wanna go"

Jin chuckles "Kookie jimin will only make you train harder if you don't go to this me...Namjoon did the same with me when I didn't turn up to a party..." I groan "fine whatever...I'm sleeping here for awhile" they all laugh and walk to their rooms or to the kitchen doing their own things

I put my arms over my face and close my eyes....I honestly have no idea how my friends do this training every day....this sucks!! Jimin sucks!!

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