'girls' night

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Jungkooks pov

I sit on my bed and then huff "I'm so bored..."
I then pull my phone out and message the number Jennie gave me

Hey,it's jungkook
Is this Jennie's number?

Jungkook!!!! You
Actually messaged
Me!! What's up?

I was wondering if
You'd like to come over
To mine? All my house-
Mates are being assholes
And I need someone to
Keep me sane😂

Of course! I'll
Bring some things
So we can have a girls night
It'll be so fun!!
What's your address??

It's bangtan view ******

Omg I love just down
The road!! I'll be there
In 5 minutes!!

Okay, see ya'



Is this a bad idea??? Probably yes.BUT I couldn't care less, it'll keep me from actually killing jimin or taehyung.
5 minutes later there is a knock on the door, I gasp and jump up "ILL GET IT!!!!" I run as fast as I can downstairs and to the front door, I open the door and smile "hey Jennie!" She giggles "hey Kookie!" I tilt my head "why so many bags??" She giggles "you'll find out....can I come in?"

I nod "yeah of course..." She walks in and I close the door, she gasps "your house-mates are our teachers?!!!" I jump a little and then huff and look at everyone who was now staring at us, I shake my head "nope, those assholes are just here cause they're friends with my hyungs....let's go upstairs"

I gently push her upstairs to my room and close the door behind me, I huff, she puts her bags on my bed and looks around "why arent you having a heart attack that your idols are in your lounge????! They're all over your room" I look around and huff "I was meant to take these down.." I walk to the posters and take them down and then put them in my closet

Jennie opens one of her bags and looks at me "I want to paint your nails!!" I giggle "uh....okay" I sit next to her on the bed and she tips her bag upsidedown "that's a lot of nail varnish..." She nods "there is 110 all together...pick what ones you'd like and then I'll do your nails nicely!..... actually! Wait! Wait wait!! I know what to do!!"

She grabs my hand and lots of nail varnish, she starts to paint my nails, I look around my room and then at Jennie "why do you like yoongi???" She shrugs "not to sure...I guess he's cute...and his personality is adorable like a kitten..." I nod "I see.....what do you think about jimin"

Jennie giggles "he's hot...like literal sex on legs....but he isn't my type...I got a little jealous when he was making out with that girl at the party....I want to find out who that girl was...but I don't like him....what about you?" I look down and shrug "i-i don't know.... he is good looking.... and an amazing dancer.....he is amazing at everything he does...his voice is so calming and his eyes ar-"

"You're in love kook....did you get jealous when that girl kissed him??" I shake my head "no I didn't.... because....it was me" her eyes widen "really?!! Is that what made you realise you love him???" I nod "yeah... but it meant nothing to him....he is probably in love with some rich, posh bitch"

Jennie sighs and moves onto my other hand to paint my nails "don't put yourself down Kookie....I'm sure he loves you...." I shake my head "he probably hates me....I'm an asshole to him" she Huffs "I've finished your nails, pass me your phone" I pass her my phone and look at my nails

I'm an asshole to him" she Huffs "I've finished your nails, pass me your phone" I pass her my phone and look at my nails

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((She added small extension on the end of my nails))

I look at her "what are you doing?" She smirks "messaging jimin" I gasp "NO!" I grab my phone back and put it in my back pocket "no! You can't do that!" I gasp when there is a knock on my bedroom door followed by jimins voice "hey jungkook what does this message mean?" I tilt my head and then look at my phone
Message to asshole:

Hey hyung, I know I've been as asshole to you but it's just to hide the fact that I- adamsbaisbajsnsksnsksnsk svahsksbejsbejsisbsbsnsksn!?;#+£


I glare at Jennie who laughs, I open the door and look at jimin "it wasn't meant for you....it was meant for.... Jin-hyung?" He chuckles "I can tell you're lying....tell me what it was meant to say" he walks towards me, I walk backwards and gasp when I end up sat on my desk chair

I look at Jennie who was giggling, he quickly runs out the room, jimin puts his hands either side of my head pinning me to the chair "tell me what it was supposed to say little one" I shake my head "n-no!" He leans closer to me and smirks "do you want a punishment?" I shake my head quickly "n-no i-i d-dont..."

He chuckles "so what did the message say" I gulp "it was uh....it said that I-"

"Jimin what are you doing to my child?!!!!!" We both jump, jimin huffs and turns to the door,I look past him to see everyone now looking at us, I smile and then stand up, jimin smirks "I was getting an answer out of himz we were having fun weren't we kook?"

He looks at me, I look at him and then gulp again and nod "y-yeah..." Taehyung smirks "in what way~....did jiminie suck a lollypop~" I glare at him "I'm so close to ripping you limb from limb taehyung....you're pushing my patients" Felix chuckles "stop being a drama queen kook, we all know you lo-" I tackle him to the floor and cover his mouth "SHUT IT!"

Jennie giggles "it's true though...we all know you do" jimin tilts his head "we all know what?" I glare at everyone "you say anything I will not hesitate to make your death as painful as possible" they all gulp and nod, Han looks at jimin "we all know that jungkook is an amazing dancer" jimin nods "I don't buy it but okay"

I'm so lucky they aren't saying anything....I'm still not sure how I feel about jimin....maybe this will pass??

I can't love Jimin....I just can't..

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