he's not my boyfriend

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Jungkooks pov

I get into jimins car and sit in the front seat, Jimin climbs into the drivers seat and then Felix, Han,namjoon all climb in the back, I huff and look out the window, I see our friends drive off. Jimin starts the car "we have to stop at mine first" I roll my eyes "drop us at mine first then go alone??"

Jimin looks at me and shakes his head "nope" I huff, he starts driving. I take my phone out and message the group chat
Eomma and kids

Bunny 🐰:
Guys this actually sucks
I don't wanna be in this
Car any longer, I might
End up stabbing park jimin

Gucci model:
Kook calm down,
Plus isn't it like your
Dream to be in the same
Car as park jimin?

I can see that he is
Actually enjoying being
Next to jimin

Felix I may remind you
We are in the same car
Therefore I can push you
Out the car at any time!
So watch what you say

Lil meow:
Kook calm down, we
All know you adore jimin
Plus you still have his
Poster in your room
I bet £10 you'll end up as
A couple

Gucci model:
I bet £20 they've already
Kissed!! Or possibly

You fucking dumbass I've
Been with you all the time!
How would I have kissed
Him without you guys

You weren't with us at
The party, you ran away
As soon as Han yelled
For jimin, and then we didn't
See you until the next
Morning, were you perhaps with

Lil meow:

Gucci model

Gucci model
Oh and eomma says stop
Swearing or he'll spank you

Eomma won't spank me
Eomma loves me too much
I'm his favourite! 😁

Okay one last question kook
Since Jimin is giving you
A death look, have you and jimin

No we haven't fucking kissed!!
And what do you mean jimin is
Giving me a death stare?

Gucci model
Ha! He's gonna get punished~~

Tae shut the fusbwksbajdb

Lil meow
Felix did warn you kook


I glare at jimin who just snatched my phone out my hand "oi give that back!!" He shakes his head "nope" I hear Felix laugh a little, I glare at him and then turn back and cross my arms. Namjoon smirks "add us to the chat and you can have it back" I look at jimin who rolls his eyes.

I shrug "fine" I grab my phone out of jimins hand and go into the group chat

Eomma and kids

Dance teacher (jikook)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora