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One week later

Jimins pov

I finish moving the rest of our things into our house, jungkook was sat in the bedroom sorting things out and jungmin was playing in his room with some toys.

I put the last box in the kitchen and then walk up to the bedroom and see jungkook looking at photos, I walk to him "you alright?" he nods "yeah, I miss when life was like this.." he shows me a photo

I sigh and take it from him and all the other photos "baby

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I sigh and take it from him and all the other photos "baby...what did I tell you?" he sighs "not to think of the past.." I nod and kiss his cheek "can you go check on jungmin for me? I'll finish unpacking everything"

He tilts his head "you don't want me to help?" I smile "I want you to relax and enjoy our new life here baby" he giggles a little and then walks to jungmins room to check on him and I then go around the house unpacking everything and getting things ready

A couple hours later

I walk into jungmins room and gasp a little seeing jungkook and jungmin asleep in jungmins crib. I chuckle "my beautiful babies"

I hear a knock on the door and I then walk Downstairs and open the door and smile "'re here" she nods "I is everything?" she walks in closing the door behind her and I take a deep breath "it's....difficult" she looks at me and her smile fades "oh honey..."

I tear up "i just want what's best for him eomma...i want him to get better! B-but I don't know what to do!" she hugs me "oh honey...let it out, hug eomma... Come on" I wrap my arms around her and let my tears out "i-i just want him happy.. That's all I want"

She rubs my back "i know hon... I know" I step back and she wipes my tears "hey... Calm down son, you need to stay strong for your husband" I blush "we aren't married eomma" she gasps "and why not? That will take his mind off all the negative things"

I tilt my head "proposing?" she nods "me and your father went through a similar thing...i started to become very very depressed after I had you, I hurt myself and heard voices, I wasn't in a good place at all...but then your father proposed..and he made me realise how much he needed me in his life, which made me forget all the negative things and focus on our wedding and on you"

She cups my cheeks "I know its difficult son...but that's the thing you'll learn about life... Life is difficult and very unfair, but all you need to do is show him how much you love him and make him feel safe and secure...focus on the positive things... For example...proposing"


I turn around quickly and see jungkook walking downstairs rubbing his eyes. I walk to him while my eomma sits on the couch, I smile "hey baby, are you alright?" he nods and looks at me "yeah... I-I heard a woman's voice and-and I got confused"

I smile "yes...that was my mother" his eyes widen "your mother??" I gently pull him to the couch and my mother stands up "jungkook... Lovely to meet you" she holds her hand out and jungkook looks at me. I nod "it's okay, she's just my mother she won't hurt you"

He shakes her hand "y-yeah you too...its nice to meet You" I pull him in my arms and kiss his cheek "your therapist will come over later... Is that okay?" he nods "yeah that's fine...d-do you want me to go back upstairs?" I Shake my head "of course not baby..."

I gently pull him and sit on the couch with him on my lap, he cuddles up to me leaning his head on my chest. I wrap my arms around him "is jungmin still asleep?" he nods "he fell asleep while playing with the blocks..." I nod "alright"

I then continue to talk to my mother and jungkook joins into the conversation a few times and after awhile we get cut off by a knock on the door. Jungkook gulps starting to feel nervous, I place him next to me "stay there baby, talk to my eomma and ill be right back"

He nods and talks to my mother quietly still not 100% sure if she's safe or not.
I walk to the door

I hope this whole therapist idea is a good one... I just want him to get better and be able to smile again...

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