"Clarissa! Thank the Moon Goddess I found you!"

Now that the person's closer, I see that it's Jett. He's soaked. His black hair is clinging to his forehead, his chest is bare with the rain hitting it and his shorts are practically stuck to his skin.

I just stare up at him as he comes closer. He gets down on his knees so that he's eye level with me and grips my shoulders tight.

"Clarissa? Can you hear me?" Jett yells over the rain, his eyes squinting slightly to see me properly. I nod my head once weakly. Jett's whole face seems to relax. That is, until he scans his eyes up and down my body.

"Clarissa! You're shaking! Shit! Your lips are blue. Come here." Jett says in a rush. He gently scoops me up in his arms and takes off running, the rain attacking us harder than before. I lightly hit his chest with my fist, mumbling that I don't want to go back to the house. He either ignores me or doesn't hear me because he runs faster.

After what seems like only a few seconds, Jett bursts through the door of our house. Screams and shrieks invade my hearing, making me bury my face into Jett's chest and hold my hands up to my ears.

"Shh, please." I whisper faintly. The yelling ceases instantly, the room falling silent. I sigh and relax my tense body, sinking back into Jett's arms.

I turn my face slowly, glancing at everyone in the room. Dylan's looking relived and about ready to do a happy dance. I almost chuckle at the sight, but I don't think it's the best time. Mum looks like she's about to burst out crying and I can't help but feel guilty about wanting to be alone. I didn't mean to worry her so much. As for dad, well... he's looking at me like he's not seeing me. It's like he's recalling a distant memory.

"I'm taking Clarissa to bed." Jett whispers faintly, starting to move ever-so-gently with me still in his arms. All he's been calling me these last few minutes has been Clarissa. Why isn't he calling me the annoying nickname he always does?

When we make it to my room, Jett treks to the bathroom and puts me on the counter. I lean heavily against the mirror behind me, my eyes half open. I don't really know what I'm feeling at the moment, only that I know I'm tired and cold.

"I'll be right back, don't move." Jett says softly then bolts out the door. He doesn't take long. When he comes back, mum's in tow with a fresh pair of pjs for me to change into.

Jett leaves the room while mum undresses and dries me off. I don't have a shower or bath, I'd fall asleep. Jett finally tucks me into bed and kisses my forehead gently. I smile, close my eyes and will sleep to fall over me.

* * *


I watch as Carissa closes her eyes and instantly falls asleep. Her lips are still blue and she's still shivering. She looks even paler now than she did before. Shit! Why would she run like that? We've been searching for her for hours! I don't think I'll ever understand my baby sister...

Dylan makes an appearance in the room, leaning against the doorframe while I lean against the wall next to him. Dad has his arms wrapped around mum as they stand right beside Clarissa's bed, hovering over her.

"You know the only thing that was running through my head when I saw her?" Dad asks quietly, pushing some hair off of Clarissa's face. She mumbles something in her sleep and moves her head a little. "All I could think about was that day you ran away from me. The day when I found out what you are. I was so scared for her, Celina."

Dad's voice breaks at the end. He takes a deep breath as mum buries herself in his chest. I clench my eyes shut and suck in a breath through my teeth. When dad first told Dylan and I about mum running away, I couldn't help but feel the slightest pain in my chest. I hope when I meet my mate, she'll never run away from me.

"It's okay, Axel. She'll be fine." Mum whispers, rubbing a hand up and down his back. I shoulder bump Dylan to get his attention. I jerk my head to the door, inducting we should leave. He gets the message and makes his way out, me following behind.

We go straight to the games room and get ourselves comfortable on some beanbags. We sorta just sit there for a while, not saying or doing anything. What do you say after today? Today has just been way to much to handle.

"What are you thinking?" Dylan suddenly asks, breaking the silence of the room. I turn my head to him and sigh.

"I have no clue, man. Everything's just sort of jumbling together." I admit, running my hands down my face. I've always been pressured with the responsibility of alpha since I'm the oldest. I feel like I should know what to do and be able to do it. I don't know what to do though and it's irking me to no end. I want to know who is behind this and what their motive is.

"Poor Lis..." Dylan finally mutters after a little while. I sink further into my beanbag and cover my face with my hand.

"Man, don't even get me started on her. She endangered herself by telling us the wrong direction of her location at school and then she goes and jumps out the window and then she goes and sits in the rain for who knows how many hours! I wouldn't be surprised if she's sick tomorrow!" I growl in outrage, pulling at my hair with both my hands. Werewolves don't normally get sick, but I wouldn't be surprised.

"You gotta remember, she had a concussion, she was being confronted and she probably just wanted to sort out her thoughts. It's not her fault everything was going wrong today. Plus, she was dead tired to begin with." Dylan reminds me, always being the freaking voice of reason.

"Sometimes I think mum actually had her three years after us. She acts like a hormonal teenager half the time." I grumble. Dylan laughs at me.

"Man, she is a hormonal teenager! She's 17! She's at her prime! Have you seen the guys at school looking her way?" Dylan chuckles while shaking his head with a grin. I growl. The amount of guys I've threatened to stay away from Clarissa is unbelievable! I've pretty much threatened the whole male population! Both wolf and human!

"Yes, I have." I say curtly, not expanding. Dylan grins wider at me and chuckles again.

"Man, you are gonna be so bad with her mate." Dylan mutters, shaking his head.

* * *


"My office. Now." My boss says through the intercom. I gulp and slowly get out my chair. Oh boy... I'm either in some serious shit or I've done something right.

I knock on the door that's really only a few metres away. I tell ya, if it was a few countries away, I would be a very happy guy.

"Come in." His voice says. I gingerly open the door and close it with a quiet 'click'. I act casual as I take a seat in one of the chairs in front of his desk. His cold eyes connect with my blank ones.

"We need to move the operation forward." He bluntly states. My eyes widen. Forward? He wants to move it forward? This whole operation has been planned out perfectly, to the very steps that they walk. How the hell are we supposed to move this forward?

"Forward? I don't understand." I admit, squinting my eyes and furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. My bosses face hardens even further.

"I didn't hire you because you don't understand. I hired you because of your quality. I trust you to finish a job when I ask. If I ask to move the operation forward, the operation will be moved forward. Now, get back to work and tell that bloody messenger to get the next letter to them pronto." He grunts, gesturing to his door and getting back to some papers.

I don't waste anytime getting up and leaving. Just before I'm about to open the door, I pause and turn back around to face my boss.

"Sorry, but um... May I ask why you're moving the operation forward?" I keep my voice firm, but inside I'm just about ready to explode. I have no clue what my bosses reaction is going to be, but I are as hell hope it's a calm one.

My boss stops signing whatever paper and looks up at me. I hold his stare as he opens his mouth and says, "Comrade and Alex are coming back."


Hi!!! So? Good ending? I think so! I needed some excitement people's!

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