9.5 - The Great Devouerer

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Once again, I forgot to write a particular chapter (I'm posting this after the book was completed), but this time, it's pretty crucial to the story. I feel like an idiot—how could I forget to write the season 1 finale?? Thank you, samiecornandpeggy for pointing it out!


Y/n's POV

"What in the f*cking hell is that thing?!"

Jay is yelling at the great devourer, his eyes bulging out of his head. We're standing in the city of Ouroboros, just having failed to stop Pythor from awakening the giant snake.

The great devourer thrashes it's head, and then stares right at us. The team scatters, trying to get away. Kai grabs me, and pulls me behind a wall to get us out of sight.

"What are we gonna do?" I ask, fear building up inside of me.

"I don't know yet," Kai admits. "But we have to think of something."

I look up to see Nya steering Destiney's Bounty towards the the snake to distract it, and it takes the bait. The devourer launches itself towards the ship and crushes it between its fangs.

I gasp, and cover my mouth with my hands—Nya and Lloyd were in there!—but I relax a bit when I notice Samurai X flying away, carrying both our friends inside.

"Is it just me, or did that thing just get bigger?" Cole asks.

"It appears the more he eats, the bigger he gets," Zane says.

The next thing we know, the serpent is slithering away.

"Where's he going?" Cole asks.

"He's looking for food," I mutter.

"Ninjago City," Zane says, his eyes wide. "He must be heading there."

"Come on!" Kai says, transforming his weapon into a vehicle. "We have to get there before the devourer does."


We rush over to the city, and start warning people of what's going on. We start splitting up to cover more ground.

I hear a scream and I turn towards the sound. I see a girl through the window, and she looks strangely familiar.

"Harumi," I breathe, then I take a step forward. I should save her and her parent to prevent a whole bunch of problems in the future.

"Where are you going?" Zane asks.

"I... uh," I mutter. "Go on without me! There's something I need to take care of."

I head towards the building, and with a flying kick, I break through the window on the first floor. I head up the stairs and run towards the screaming, and I eventually find Harumi—she's being shoved into an elevator by her parents. She cries, not wanting to be separated from them, but then the doors close.

"Come with me!" I order to her parents.

They don't ask any questions, and follow me to the stairs. I gasp as the building is hit by the great devourer's tail; it smashes the stairs so that they're not usable anymore.

"What now?" Harumi's dad asks.

"This way!" I say, and head for a window.

It's already broken, but I don't see a way for us to get down. I look around for a rope, but there isn't one. In a moment of desperation, I get an idea.

"Zane!" I yell as loud as I can. He hears me, and turns in my direction. "Shuriken!"

He understands, and creates an ice beam with his golden weapon to form a ramp of solid water. I don't hesitate to slide down, and Harumi's parents come down after me.

"Go find your daughter!" I call over my shoulder as I run towards Zane. Once I look in front of me again, I skid to a stop—the great devourer is staring right at me.

"Uh, oh," I mumble. The snake slithers towards me, but I manage to leap out of the way. Unfortunately, Harumi's parents don't fare as well—the devourer engulfs them within seconds.

"Oh, come on!" I shout, stomping my foot angrily. "I just went through all that effort to save them but they still end up dead anyway?!"

"Y/n, we have to go!" Zane says, taking my hand.

I grumble, still annoyed, but run with him to meet the others. When we get there, the whole team—except for Nya and Lloyd, who are still out advising people to evacuate—is discussing our plan of action.

"When did he get here?" Zane asks, pointing at Garmadon.

"Good question," I mutter, but everyone ignores our confusion.

"Give me the golden weapons," the villain says to the others. "I'm the only one who can possess all four of them at once, and they're our only chance at destroying the devourer."

"Oh hell no!" Jay says. "Do you really think we're going to trust you?"

"Just give him the weapons!" I say. "Who cares if we can trust him? He's our last hope, and we've wasted too much time already."

We all turn to Sensei, wondering what he'll say. He gives a nod, then Kai, Jay, Zane and Cole all give Garmadon their golden weapons.

"Get the snake to stay still, and I'll take care of the rest," he says.

Suddenly, I hear a whirling sound above us, and I look up to Samurai X.

"Lloyd's helping the people find a safe place to hide," she says. "What did I miss?"

"We have to pin down the devourer," Jay says. "Ideas, anyone?"

"Ouroboros," Zane mutters, deep in thought.

"Uh, what?" Cole asks, poking Zane in the forehead. "Are you malfunctioning again?"

"No!" Zane exclaims. "Ouroboros—it's a symbol of a serpent biting its own tail."

We all stare at him expectantly, waiting for him to explain the relevance of that statement.

"That's how we can trap the devourer," he finally says. "We lead the snake around in a circle, and trick it into biting its own tail."

"How are we supposed to do that?" Jay asks.

"I think I know," I say, and I start explaining.

Once everyone knows what to do, we set off in different directions to put our plan into action.

————-Garmadon's POV————-

I head up the stairs to the tallest building in Ninjago city, the four golden weapons in each of my hands. The ninja are busy trying to get the great devourer to hold still, and by the way things are looking, I better hurry up or I'll miss my chance; they've almost gotten him.

Once I'm at the top of the building, I look down at the giant snake. The ninja have gotten it to bite its own tail, and the position is holding the serpent captive. I noticed a very small green spot on the top of the devourer's head, and I realize that this must be it's weak spot.

"You ruined my life when your venom entered my blood," I whispered. "Now it's time to return the favour."

I jump from the tower, pointing the golden weapons down towards the serpent. After a long and dramatic fall, I plunge the golden weapons into the snake's forehead.

The devourer thrashes its head in pain, but I push the blades deeper into its skull. A few moments pass, and the snake is dead. Green venom erupts from its body, leaving nothing but the poisonous sludge behind.

"We did it!" the blue ninja cheers.

While he and the rest of his teammates celebrate, I take the opportunity to sneak away.

"Dad?" a voice asks.

I turn around to see none other than my own child staring at me, with eyes sprouting a look of utter disappointment.

"What are you doing?"

I frown. We both know the answer to that question. 

"I'm sorry, kid," I say, then run off.

Part of me feels bad for betraying the ninja, but they only have themselves to blame; they should know better than to put their faith in a villain.

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