Chapter 11 - Last Day of Youth

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Sensei pairs everyone up to train today. Once again, I'm put with Lloyd, since we're about the same height. I might be a little taller, but Lloyd's got a bit more muscle, so it's pretty even. Except for the fact that I've been training a year longer than him. So maybe not so even after all. 

I kind of like that I'm stronger than him. I know that one day he'll become the green ninja and be the best out of all of us, but for now, I'm enjoying not being the weakest on the team. Maybe that makes me a bit of a bad person, but hey; I'm only human. I'm allowed to have selfish thoughts sometimes.

I throw a punch and graze his ear, but Lloyd doesn't react.

"Are you okay?" I ask after it happens a second time. "You seem distant."

He scratches the back of his neck. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"You haven't landed a single kick today." I put my hands on my hips. "What's the matter?"

"Forget it. It's silly."

"I won't judge! Come on; tell me."

He smiles sheepishly. "The new issue of Starfarer comes out this afternoon."

"Really? Awesome!"

"No, it's not awesome. If we don't get down to the comic shop soon, they'll be all sold out."

I frown. "Have you asked Sensei if you can go to Doomsday Comics?"

"Yeah, but he said to focus on my training."

"Figures." I sigh, picking up my water bottle. "Wait... the new comic book..."


"Oh, nothing. I'm just having a weird sense of déjà vu."

"Guys!" Nya calls, running up on deck. "They need you at the Museum!"

"On it!" Kai says, and gathers up the other ninja. "Let's go, gang!"

Lloyd takes a step forward, but Sensei grabs a hold of him by the back of his shirt.

"Hey! What was that for?"

"You're still not ready for a mission, young man."

I start putting on my shoes, but Sensei wags a finger at me.

"You're not going either, y/n."

"What? Why not?!"

"You forgot to do the dishes last night."

I stare at him blankly. "Are you serious?"

He points towards the kitchen. "One must not be lazy."

I roll my eyes but I throw my shoes off and push through the swinging door. Lloyd follows me in there as the rest of the team leaves the ship. Lloyd gathers up some dirty dishes from the table while I start filling up the sink. As I wash the plates, Lloyd dries them and puts them away.

"You don't have to do that," I say. "It's my turn to clean up."

"I know, but the sooner this is done, the sooner we can play video games. Besides, I like helping you."

"Oh, really?" I finish scrubbing a pan and set it down on the drying mat. "Where was this helpful attitude when we were playing D&D last week?"

He gives me a sheepish smile. "Aw, come on... you're not still mad about that are you?"

"You rolled a two and got my character turned into a spider! That's, like, the one thing he's afraid of!"

"So you are still mad..."

I pull a spatula out of the sink and point it at him. "Mark my words, Lloyd Garmadon. I will have vengeance."


"Yeah! Gotcha!" Lloyd cheers, pumping his fist in the air.

"Oh, come on, you cheated!" I accuse, putting down my controller. Lloyd is much, much better at video games than I am.

"Ready for another round?"

"You're on."

As we face off in another virtual battle, the phone rings. Lloyd is closer to it, and tries to pick it up without putting down the controller, but is unable to.

"Here, let me try," I suggest, and shoot a wave of y/e at the phone, knocking the receiver off of the base.

Lloyd crosses his arms. "Show off."

"I am not!"

"Are too. Cocky motherf*cker."

My jaw drops. "Listen here you little bi--"

"Hello? Nya? Are you there?" Jay asks, his voice distressed. It's squeakier than normal.

"No, she's out, remember?" I say.

"Argh! Dang it! Is Lloyd with you?"

"Yeah, I'm here," Lloyd answers.

"Okay, we need you to come to the pizza place down the street and meet us here. And bring our weapons!"

"Weapons?" Lloyd and I both ask. We exchange glances as the call ends with a click.

Lloyd leans over to put the phone back on its holder, but can't reach the table. He falls off his chair, and I make a noise that's somewhere between a laugh and a sigh. Yeah... maybe there's a reason he's not ready to be a part of this mission.


We make it off of the bounty without any other incidents. Well, except for when Lloyd snags Cole's new scythe on my sweater and rips a giant hole in it.

I take off my sweater and wrap up the weapons in it. This way, they won't attract any attention as we walk down the street, and also Lloyd can't accidentally cause any more damage with the sharp edges.

We head into Buddy's Pizza to look for our teammates, but there are very few adults in here, and none of them are familiar. We walk between two rows of tables, keeping an eye out for the fruit-coloured ninja.

"Psst, y/n!" I hear, and feel someone tug on my shirt.

"Leave us alone, man," Lloyd says.

"Relax; it's me. Kai."

Lloyd and I stare at the boy, and at the three other kids with him. We both gasp.

"You-you-you're... small!" Lloyd shrieks, attracting a lot of attention.

"Keep it down, would you?" Kai says.

"Wait, how is Zane a kid?" I ask as I hand out their weapons.

Nobody gives me an answer. They actually look even more confused than me.

"Eh," I say with a shrug. "Screw logic. Ninjago doesn't seem to have any of it anyway."

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