Chapter 15 - Leftover Tea

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Lloyd thinks I'm wonderful, I think to myself as he cuddles up next to me. Wait, does he actually? And what's this whole thing about love that he's talking about? Does he really mean that, or is that just the looniness talking?

Hold up, why do I want him to be telling the truth? Lloyd is the best friend I've ever had, I don't see him as more than that, do I?

"You're pretty wonderful yourself," I mutter, just as he starts to snore. "Oh, for f*ck's sake."

His consciousness is fluctuating so much that I can't help but be annoyed at my other team members. They aren't doing so well in ensuring the past doesn't change.

"If only Kai had gotten through the portal," I sigh sadly, wishing things had gone as planned.

Wait... a portal...

A sudden spark of genius comes to mind. I have to open my own portal, I think to myself. And I think I know how to do it.

"Kai!" I shout, and he comes rushing over to me, stumbling over his own feet.

"What's wrong?! What happened?!" he asks, kneeling in front of Lloyd. "Is he okay?"

"Stay here with him. Make sure he stays awake," I order. Kai looks at me funny, confused, but does as I ask.

I hurry off to Sensei's room, and he's sitting on his bed in a meditation pose, as if praying to the gods that everything will be okay.

"Y/n! What is it?"

"Do you still have any Tomorrow's Tea left? And some Traveler's Tea?"

"Yes, I believe I do. What do you need it for?"

"I need it to go back in time."

"Uh... neither of those teas can do that..."

"Not on their own, they can't. But if you mix Tomorrow's Tea, which changes an individual's timeline, with Traveller's Tea, which can send you to another dimension, we might be able to open a portal to the past."

Sensei just stares at me with this blank expression on his face. Then, he flares his nostrils and scrunches his eyebrows in frustration. "Damn it. Why didn't I think of that?"

I laugh, and he points to a cabinet beside his bed. As I gather the ingredients to brew the tea, Sensei tells me some instructions.

"You'll need to have something that used to be a part of the person or place that you want to be transported to," he explains. "So a hair from one of the ninja, or a thread from the clothes..."

"Will this do?" I ask, pulling a screw from the belt of my f/c gi.

"What is it?"

"It's one of the old screws from Zane's chest compartment. I helped Nya remove it and replace it when it got rusty, and I guess I forgot to throw it out."

"That will do nicely. Here, let me help."

Sensei and I brew the tea, and within a few minutes, it's ready.

"Good luck, y/n," Sensei says, as the portal opens up.

"You're not coming?"

"No, I think you have the situation under control. Besides, you probably know more about Ninjago than any of us," he says with a wink.

I'm taken aback by his comment. Does he know where I came from?

"Oh, and you'll need this."

He hands me a small chip of... what the f*ck is this? A bone? Why would he give me this?

"It'll help you locate Garmadon," Sensei explains. "Now, hurry! Before the portal closes!"

I do as he says and jump into the swirling vortex, hoping that I can save the future without f*cking up the past.

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