11: Jury Duty

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I woke up this morning feeling great, feeling alive, because I knew today would be the day I beat Jemma.

She's been on my nerves, last week I got a text from an unknown number that read:

STAY AWAY FROM HIM OR ELSE. Right away I knew who it was so I just left it alone, I started getting the same text from the same number every morning. I chose to ignore it.

OR ELSE WHAT? I finally responded, I thought it was quite dumb of her to keep writing Stay Away, because now I have proof of what she's been doing.

"Jemma," I heard Mr. Hunson's voice boom. " where is your proof. "

"Right here." It was a random boy, he looked to be in ninth grade, I knew Jemma bribed a young innocent boy he wasn't even around to know what was going on.

"Ah, I see you brought your brother Hunter."

Your what.

I knew Riley and Michaela seemed surprised Riley's mouth was on the floor and Michaela had her eyes bugged out.

"And Penny," he continued on " I see you brought Michaela, and Riley! "

" Yes, I did. " I responded with my voice proud.

" Hunter, you may start. " Mr. Hunson said, I could tell Hunter, and Jemma didn't see that coming.

"Uh-" I don't really understand why he was so nervous, there are no consequences, it's simply for Mr.Hunson's pleasure.

"I'll go first!" Riley said. " Jemma was walking down the hallway on her first day of school, Penny was in the classroom... " her story continued on, when she told me to pull out my phone.

"Penny, may I see your phone?" She asked.

"Sure!" I pulled out my phone and Riley opened my texts from Jemma.


"Stay away..." The teacher repeated.

"Well, we do have the information we need, but in court every one gets a turn."



" Well you see... " I could tell he wasn't going to lie, he already knew she was guilty. "Jemma bribed me to do this so that she could have Huxley to herself." He bolted all of those words right out of him, when he finished he winced and ran out of the classroom.

"Jemma looked furious, but at the same time defeated.

I guess I won this one.

Penny |Jemma
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