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"She told me to stay away." I heard Jemma say to Mr. Hunson. I could tell he wasn't buying her lies.

"Really?" He asked. "That's not like our Miss. Larkenson is it?"

"It really isn't, I was trying to be all friendly with her and....I guess she just didn't want to be friends." I could feel her face, the pout of a liar, the nerve of her.

" I guess I'll have to just ask her to come in here then. " the look on her face, it was furious.

I walked in the classroom pretending to find a book.

"Ahh, Miss. Larkenson, I was just going to come get you."

" Well, perfect timing I guess. "  I responded smiling.

"Hello, Penny." Jemma said, trying to be kind, I could tell it was hurting her.

" Oh, hi Jemma! " I responded.

"Do you know why I was going to call you in here?" Mr. Hunson asked me.

"No." I lied.

" Miss. Franklin was just telling me how you told her to stay away from a boy, Huxley. " I gave him a confused face, actually not knowing what he meant.

"I'm afraid I don't understand." I claimed, Jemma was standing in the corner with her arms folded, a slight smirk on her face.

" She said that to me. " I added.

"Explain why she said this." Mr. Hunson was having way too much fun with this, nobody asks the middle aged man English teacher anything.

"Huxley and I are supposed to go out tonight, Jemma over heard that and said for me to stay away." I wasn't kidding, she really said all this.



"Sorry Mr. Hunson, that as Huxley."

" What did he say? " He's not really supposed to ask a student about their personal lives, but I told him anyway.

"He said he can't wait for tonight."

"I think that's all for now." Mr. Hunson said. "Come back tomorrow during free period with two witnesses."

" Okay! Bye! " I said and strolled off into the hallway, Jemma slugging behind me.

This is something I'm going to win!

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