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I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.


Canada growled as Russia's words repeated themselves in his head. Non-stop.
They went on even through the night, refusing to let him sleep.

Russia was the enemy, he couldn't have actually meant it.
Yet part of Canada, a small part hidden deep within him, wanted him too mean it.

"He was probably just using it to gain my trust..." Canada sighed.
What else was he supposed to think? The man was the first born son of USSR himself! The now dead nation had probably taught Russia everything he knew, probably so much more than all his other siblings. This was probably just-


"Yes, sweetie?" Canada asked, Columbia in the doorway of his room.

"I had a nightmare." she whispered.

Canada nodded and made his way closer to the middle of his bed. With that, 13 kids flooded through the doorway. Canada sighed, knowing what was wrong. Their soldiers have just returned from a bloody battle, many lives being loss. As Countryhumans and Statehumans, it was their curse to relive that battle in their dreams, witnessing it and the deaths first hand, as if they were their themselves, so many times.
But after the people of their state and/or country stop grieving, the nightmare will stop coming. With each person that stops grieving, the nightmare fades a bit, until it is no more.

Next thing Canada knew, he was surrounded with his kids, finally drifting off to sleep.

~~~~~~~time skip brought to you by the Maple Family~~~~~~~

Canada woke up to the sound of his phone ringing. He checked the clock quickly; 8:57.

He sighed and picked up the phone, struggling not to wake his kids, who made that difficult, as they were pretty much piled over each other and himself, in a looser way than a doggy pile.

"Hello, this is -"


The maple country knew that voice.

I was going to keep going but then i thought i would leave you guys on a cliff hanger so HERE YOU GO!!!!!!!!!!!


plz dont hurt me...

any guesses on who called?

To Fix The Broken ~ a countryhumans fanficWhere stories live. Discover now