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Russia was drunk. Again.

Kazakhstan pulled up in the family's van, slowly driving by the curb next to the stumbling Russian.

Belarus opened the window and poked her head out, "Russia, get in the car."

"It's not a car it's a van." Russia looked up at her, laughing drunkenly.

"Ok then." Belarus rolled her eyes, "Russia, get in the van."


"Russia, please." Belarus whined, looking up.

"No." Russia said again, leaning against a brick wall.

Belarus sighed and opened her door to get out.

At that Russia stood up and booked it.

"KAZ!" Belarus hollered at her brother.

Kazakhstan hopped out of the car and took off, the wind hitting his face roughly, not that he minded. He quickly caught up to his older brother and dove down. He grabbed Russia from behind. Russia jumped, not expecting anyone to catch up to him, and starting squirming, spitting swears at his brother. Kazakhstan beat his wings one time violently, trying to show Russia that he was 'in charge'. Russia, however, ignored the signal and kept trying to free himself.

Belarus finally arrived with the van, and Kaz managed to get Russia into the back seat, climbing in after him. Russia kept struggling, and Kaz kept holding him down. Kaz looked up to his sister. She mouthed something into the rearview mirror.


Kaz sighed, hoping it didn't have to end like this. He pulled out a Ziplock bag with a single pill in it.

Russia looked at the bag, "Is that candy?"

Kaz looked up and smiled in disbelief and Belarus choked back a laugh. They couldn't believe Russia was that drunk.

"Um... ya." Kaz siad, just going with it, "You want it."

"Hell ya." Russia held out his hand.

Kaz placed the "candy" in his brother's hand and he ate it immediately. Soon enough, Russia had fallen asleep. The sleep med had done its job.

"Candy?" Belarus laughed from the front seat.

"Christ, brother." Kaz sighed, leaning back into the seat.

They had to do something about Russia's drinking problem.

well i hope you like it so far
i really don't know what to say...

help me

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