✔Chapter 6

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"This is the life, huh?" Vlad said.

He and Maize were currently laying on his bed as they watched TV with Zoltan.

"Yes, Master." Zoltan responded. "I'm surprised The Count agreed to this. It is most unlike him."

"As much as I'm enjoying this, you're going to have to snap him out of it eventually, Vlad." Maize said. "You can change someone's mindset, but you can't change what they are."

Vlad turned away from her at this as he knew she was right, but hoped he'd have, at least, a few more days of the normal human life he'd always wanted.

Just then, Ingrid barged into the room.

"Well, well, well. Who's been a busy boy, then?" She spoke from the doorway.

"I don't know what you are talking about." Vlad lied.

Ingrid then walked over to the TV and unplugged it before walking over to the window where she sat it on the windowsill.

"What are you doing?" Vlad asked in slight alarm as he and Maize sat up on the bed.

"I believe Mistress Ingrid intends to throw the Television Receiving device out of the window." Zoltan said. "Which can't be good for it."

"Well, that much is obvious." Maize muttered.

"You've hypnotised dad, haven't you? You've turned him into Mr. DIY Regular Guy." Ingrid spoke knowingly.

Vlad didn't respond right away, so Ingrid threatened to let the TV fall.

"Okay, yes!" Vlad quickly answered. "I may have hypnotised him."

"Accidentally." Maize added.

"Accidentally." Vlad repeated with a nod before sighing. "I told him he wasn't a Vampire."

"I have to say, Master. I don't think that was one of your better ideas." Zoltan said.

"I just wanted to see what it would be like to have a normal dad." Vlad explained. "Someone who didn't want to teach me how to turn into a bat. Was that so wrong?"

"No, I suppose not." Ingrid said. "After all, he's been a Vampire for six hundred years. The change will do him good."

"Oh, boy..." Maize mutter quietly to herself as she looked away from what she knew was about to happen and Vlad seemed oblivious to his sister's sarcastic tone.

Ingrid released her hold on the TV as it fell out the window and crashed to the ground far below.

"No! What did you do that for?" Vlad whined.

"We're Vampires, Vlad. Always have been, always will be. You can't change that." Ingrid told him. "I don't want dad to be normal, I want him to make me the Princess of Darkness."

"But- You could've had a TV in your room." Vlad said.

"So you could throw it out of your window." Zoltan said.

"And pizza." Vlad added.

"I'm going to change him back. You better not hypnotise anybody else ever again." Ingrid hissed.

She then went to leave the room, briefly turning back to snatch a slice of pizza before she left.

"I know that guilty look, Master." Zoltan said as he noticed Vlad's expression. "It reminds me of when you were toilet training. What have you done?"

Vlad, feeling Maize's gaze on him, turned to look at his best friend. The look she gave him was heard loud and clear.

It was fun while it lasted, but it needs to stop now.

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