✔Chapter 2

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Maize and Vlad had tried to sneak out while Vlad's father was scolding Renfield for not having any food, aka blood, for him, but he caught them just as they were walking out the door and dragged them both back inside – getting his arms burned in the process due to reaching into the sunlight to grab them – before sending them back to their room.

"I'm disappointing in you two, especially you, son." The Count scolded the two as they sat side by side on Vlad's bed. "I mean, where's this bad attitude coming from?"

Maize wasn't really paying much attention to the conversation the two were having until The Count asked Vlad to stand in front of him.

Vlad did as his father had asked him to as Maize watched from where she still sat on the bed. The Count then grabbed the cape hanging off of Vlad's mirror and draped it over his son's shoulders, popping up the collar.

Maize looked at the mirror where the two males were looking and noticed how The Count's reflection didn't show. Not that she was surprised by that knowledge. He is a Vampire, after all.

"This is what we are, son." The Count spoke to his son. "We're Vampires. What are we?"

"Vampires." Vlad answered.

"There's no escaping that. You know in a few years you and Maize will come into your full powers and your reflection, like mine, will disappear." The Count said. "Now. I am going to sort out the food situation."

"Can't we have something normal?" Vlad asked. "Like a hamburger?"

"A person from Hamburg." The Count said with an evil smile.

"No." Vlad denied.

"We're Vampires. You can't escape it." The Count told him. "It's your destiny."

With that, The Count left the room, more than likely to find food or to pester Renfield.

Vlad shared a glance with Maize, who gave him an understanding smile at the frustrated look he gave her, before he looked back to the mirror in front of him.

Vlad let out a huff of annoyance and threw the cape off before accidentally throwing it out the window.

Maize gave him a surprised look at that and the two shared another glance.

"Way to go, Dracula." She told him, sarcasm lacing her tone.

"Oh, great." Vlad said just as sarcastically along with a hint of worry.

He sat down in front of the chest of drawers by the window and Maize joined him as Zoltan wheeled himself over to the two.

"Okay. No cape. This is serious." Vlad said. "If I wasn't already undead, I'd be..."

Vlad trailed off trying to find a word.

"Dead?" Maize suggested and he nodded.

Maize and Vlad both jumped a little in surprise as a sudden hook attached to a rope was thrown through the open window and latched onto the sill.

"Look, Master Vlad-" Zoltan was cut off from talking as both Vlad and Maize shushed him.

They didn't have to wait long before a dark-haired boy wearing a fake Vampire cape came crawling through the window.

The three yelled out in surprise simultaneously as they saw each other and the two preteen Vampires were quick to catch the human boy before he fell and dragged him through the window completely.


"Shall I bite him, Master?" Zoltan asked as the human boy stood in front of them now.

"Not yet." Vlad said.

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