✔Chapter 3

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"Dad, this is stupid." Vlad said from where he stood on top of a table as his father attempted to teach him how to fly.

Maize watched from beside Ingrid as the father son duo interacted.

"It's not stupid. It's fun." The Count replied. "Now, come on. Every young Vampire must learn how to fly."

"So, why haven't you taught me yet?" Ingrid asked.

"Oh, Ingrid. I've told you. It's because you're a girl." The Count answered.

Ingrid glared at her father.

Maize checked the time before standing up.

"We need to get to school." She said.

After a bit of convincing – okay, a lot of convincing – Vlad and Maize managed to get The Count to allow them to go to school. The down side to that being that they found out their wood work teacher was a Vampire Slayer and they now had to be extra careful with keeping their supernatural secret a secret as well as keeping the fact that Mr. Vanhellsing is a Slayer secret from Vlad's father.

Vlad nodded in agreement to the Witch/Vampire hybrid's words as he jumped off the table.

The Count looked impressed.

"You did it. You flew." He said.

"Yeah, from the table to the ground." Ingrid scoffed.

"Oh, my son and heir." The Count said before searching himself. "Where's my money bag?"

"Dad, for the last time, I can't-"

Vlad cut himself off as his father brought out a ten pound note.

"Believe it." He finished as he took the note and turned to his sister with a smug look. "I can fly."

Ingrid attempted to take the money, but Vlad pulled it out of her reach.

"You're not seriously giving him ten pounds for that?" She asked her father in disbelief. "That's so unfair."

The Count got up from his throne to stand by Vlad and placed an arm around his shoulders.

"Oh, Ingrid darling. I shall never understand this irrational jealousy of my favourite child." The Count said. "Now, Vlad. Let's see you fly from up there."

The Count pointed to a beam of wood attached to the ceiling and Vlad stared at it warily.

"Yeah, come on. Let's see you in action." Ingrid lightly smirked.

"I'd love to, but..." Vlad trailed off as he shared a glance with Maize, silently asking her for help.

"Uh, we don't want to be late for school." Maize managed to make up an excuse.

Vlad took off his cloak and draped it over a chair as he and Maize made their way out of the castle.

"Thank you." He whispered to Maize.

"Don't mention it." She replied as the two made their way to school.

The two young supernaturals met up with Robin as they entered the school grounds and made it to their lockers in time to see Ingrid yell at Robin's older twin brothers to scram.

"Ooh, someone got out of their coffin on the wrong side." Robin commented.

"Ingrid's just sulking because I can fly and she can't." Vlad teased as he pulled out the ten pounds his dad gave him from his pocket.

"You'll be flying out the window if you carry on." Ingrid threatened before smirking. "Oh, and by the way. Mum says hello."

Maize slammed her locker shut at this as she and Vlad gave Ingrid a shocked look.

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