✔️Chapter 11

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"How's it going? Anyone screamed yet?" Robin asked as he entered the castle.

"No, thank goodness." Vlad replied.

"Yeah." Robin agreed, a hint of disappointment in his tone.

The two of them sat down at the table where Chloe and Maize were already situated. The Count then chose this moment to make all four of them jump in fright as he suddenly sped over to them from where he was seated on his throne.

"Well, now that we're all assembled we should play a proper Halloween game." He said as he sat down with them. "Apple bobbing."

Maize breathed out a quiet sigh of relief at the seemingly innocent game suggestion.

"Great, sounds harmless." Vlad agreed, also not thinking much of it.

"Instead of apples we should be bobbing for giant fish eyes." The Count continued and Renfield walked over with a bucket full of said objects.

The man servant commented that one of the eyes was staring at him, before being snapped out of it by The Count's firm voice.

Just as he was walking over to place the bucket on the table, he seemingly tripped over his own two feet and spilled the bucket of fish eyes all over The Count.

The Count looked like he was about to yell as Maize and Vlad shared a worried glance, until he instead stood up and grabbed Renfield by the collar of his shirt.

"Renfield, are you okay?" He spoke in fake concern, hidden anger lacing his tone.

"Oh, yes. Thank you, Master. Thank you." Renfield replied, not at all catching on.

The Count then grabbed the now empty bucket and threw it over Renfield's head with enough force to let them know it probably hurt.

"And how about now?" The Count asked before flicking the bucket for good measure.


Silence settled over the group once more as The Count impatiently tapped his fingers on the table.

"I'm bored." He announced. "I mean, can't someone liven things up a bit."

Robin then took that moment to reach into his backpack before throwing a golf ball at The Count with a yell.

The Count had no reaction when the ball struck him and simply picked it up off his lap where it landed, confusion on his face as he held it up.

"What is this?" He asked the human boy.

"Stokely Halloween tradition." Robin lied. "The throwing of the golf ball ceremony."

"Hm... Splendid."

Maize and Robin were sitting across from each other at the table while Vlad and Chloe were standing off to one side, closing up the box they'd just checked to make sure the pyramid inside hadn't turned.

Just then, The Count threw the golf ball at Vlad and it struck him right in the head, causing him to almost exclaim in pain as Chloe held a finger to her lips to shush him and Vlad slapped a hand over his mouth.

Maize glanced across at Robin as she noticed him whispering to Zoltan and rose a curious brow, wondering what the two of them were plotting.


"So, how do you play Vampires and peasants again?" Robin asked as the group now stood in another room where The Count intended for them to play the game.

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