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The sequel to this story is currently in the making!

Here's a sneak peek at the prologue:

Vladimir Dracula was in the woods at night. He had no idea what drew him there, it's just where he happened to wander off to after a boring day of school and nothing particularly eventful happening.

He was suddenly brought out of his thoughts by a few twigs snapping to his right and he turned to see a curly haired brunette male walking through the woods.

"Who are you?" Vlad asked the mysterious man.

The man stopped to glance around himself, wondering who said that, before spotting Vlad.

"No one special. Now if you'll excuse me, I shall be on my way." He responded.

He turned to leave but was immediately stopped as Vlad stood in his way.

However sudden the appearance of the teenager was, the man remained unphased as he stared the young Vampire straight in the eyes.

"Tell me who you are." Vlad demanded as he tried to hypnotise the man into doing as he'd asked.

The two stood there staring into each other's eyes for a moment before Vlad grew impatient.

"Tell me!" He growled out as thunder boomed above them.

Vlad had been kind of moody ever since Maize left. He didn't know why that was, but he figured the Soul Bond was affecting him and making him feel frustrated that he couldn't be with his Mate. Or something like that.

His Dad had told him a little more about the Soul Bond, but he couldn't really tell him anything particularly new since he himself did not have a Soul Bond with anyone.

The man chuckled in amusement, bringing Vlad out of his thoughts as he frowned.

His hypnosis seemed to have no effect on the male before him.

There you have it!

Thank you all so much for all the reads and hearts!

I hope you all Enjoyed!

P.S. Ideas for how her curse is broken are appreciated!

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