✔Chapter 10

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"I'm telling you. Tonight will go down in history as the greatest Halloween ever." Robin said excitedly as he, Vlad and Maize exited the school.

"Yeah, about that..." Vlad began.

"A spooky old castle. A family of real Vampires. I mean, what more could we ask for?" Robin continued talking like he didn't hear him. "Bet you've got some really scary stuff planned, right?"

"Well, actually-"

"I admit, I've pulled some legendary Halloween stunts before, but me and you together? Think of the mayhem we could cause."

"Sorry, Robin. But we're going to the school party." Maize said.

"What?" Robin replied in shock.

"Everyone else is going." Vlad defended their decision.

"We're not everyone else, Vlad. We're different." Robin argued. "People may think we're freaks, but tonight we're not. At Halloween we rule."

"But I don't want to rule, I want to fit in." Vlad said before continuing to walk.

"Maize, come on." Robin said, trying to sway the girl to agree with him.

He knew that if he got Maize to agree then Vlad would too.

Maize sighed.

"Sorry, Robin." She told him before walking to catch up to Vlad, a disappointed Robin not too far behind her.


"Hold still, it keeps on tearing off." Chloe said as she attempted to wrap Vlad in toilet paper.

Maize had decided to keep her own costume for the Halloween party rather minimal as she simply put a pair of black cat ears on her head and dressed herself in a pair of black pants and a black t-shirt.

"This is stupid. I don't want to go dressed as a loo roll." Vlad said.

"You're supposed to be a mummy." Chloe told him.

"Got it! Why don't you go as a Vampire?" Robin perked up sarcastically from where he lay sulking on Vlad's bed, before lightly hitting himself in the head in fake realisation. "What was I thinking? Where would you get a Vampire costume at this hour? And on Halloween."

"Oh. Is it Halloween?" Zoltan asked and Vlad quickly hushed him as the door to his room shut on its own.

Vlad glanced to the door before sending a Maize a 'thank you' look.

"I don't want dad to know." Vlad said.

"Why not?" Chloe asked curiously.

"Halloween affects The Count like a lit match in a firework factory." Maize said.

"Even a sausage through the heart wouldn't subdue him." Zoltan said.

Maize frowned in confusion at the stuffed wolf's words and Vlad nodded before also sending him a confused look as he realised what Zoltan had said. Chloe and Robin were also rather confused.

"You mean a stake?" Chloe said.

"Oh. Yes. You see, The Count has banned me from using that word." Zoltan explained. "That word and bunfight."

The group were silent for a moment as they tried to figure out what the other word was.

"Sunlight." Chloe concluded.

"Mhm. Bunfight and sausage." Zoltan said.

"Great. We can't even talk about it." Robin complained, getting back on track with the topic of Halloween. "This is the worst Halloween ever."

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