✔️ Chapter 13

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They managed to help Robin get out by tying a bunch of sheets together and creating a rope for them to throw out the window and let him climb down. It was only after that Ingrid conveniently pulled out a skeleton key and they were able to unlock the door and get out of the room.

"We have to do something." Vlad said. "If dad kills Vanhellsing our whole future is a stake. In the non pointy wood kind of way."

"Someon mention my name?"

The trio froze as the Slayer appeared before them, stake in hand.

"You're not dead." Vlad spoke in relief.

"Not last time I checked." Vanhellsing replied.

"Pity." Ingrid said.

"Now. Where's your father?"

"Uh, he's gone to Spain to top up his tan. You'll know when he's back. Because you'll have two holes in your ne-"

Ingrid's words were cut off as she tripped on a wire and she, Vlad and Maize were all suddenly trapped in a net.

"Caught in your own trap." Mr. Vanhellsing commented. "How ironic."

He then turned to leave, chuckling in amusement at their predicament.

"Mr. Vanhellsing, wait! We don't have to keep fighting." Vlad called out to the man. "Let's try living together in peace. No slaying, no biting."

Mr. Vanhellsing turned around to address the boy.

"A truce?" He asked, a hint of curiosity in his tone.

"What do you think?"

The man seemed to take a moment to think about it, before swiftly side stepping Renfield who had snuck up behind him with a frying pan, falling to the ground as he tried to take a swing at him.

"Can't you do anything right, you useless bag of bones!" Ingrid shouted at the man servant.

"You were just distracting me." Mr. Vanhellsing said as he began to tie Renfield's hands. "You're as devious as your father."

"You've got it all wrong." Vlad told him. "I was just trying to help."

"Oh, you can help me, alright." Mr. Vanhellsing replied as he pulled Renfield upright. "Tell your master to give himself up if he wants to see his kids again."

Vlad, Ingrid and Maize shared a glance.

"You really can't get us out of here, Maize?" Ingrid spoke quietly to the girl.

Maize shook her head with an apologetic look and Ingrid huffed out a sigh.


The trio all wriggled their hands as they attempted to free themselves from the rope that tied them all together.

"What a dump." Ingrid said as she glanced around the caravan they were in. "You should really cut back on your garlic bills and spend some money on a house."

Mr. Vanhellsing shoved the binocular device he was using to keep watch for The Count away from his face in annoyance.

"You think because you live in a castle you're better than me?" He accused somewhat childishly.

"No. I'm better than you because I'm a Vampire." Ingrid said.

Vlad gave a nervous chuckle.

"Vampires? Slayers? What's the difference?" He said. "I say we all stop fighting and become one big happy family."

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