✔️ Chapter 12

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"Vlad. Vlad, are you alright?" Maize asked in concern as she shook her best friend awake.

Vlad had been tossing and turning in bed as night terrors seemed to plague his slumber and Maize rushed over to sit beside him on his bed, placing her hands on his shoulders as she attempted to shake him awake. Eventually, it worked and he took a moment to calm himself from being jolted awake.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay." A now very much awake Vladimir Dracula told his best friend. "Just had a nightmare."

"Well, after the events of the Hunt Ball last night, it's no wonder you're having nightmares." Maize said.

"Did you even sleep at all, Maize?" Vlad asked as he noticed his best friend looked like she'd been awake long before he was.

Maize sighed.

"Admittedly, no." She told him honestly

"You sure you're alright?" Vlad asked, wanting to make sure she was doing okay after everything that had happened.

Maize nodded before wrapping her arms around him in a hug of which he returned.

Truthfully, the Hunt Ball was kind of terrifying for Maize.

Being the only half Vampire in a room full of pure-bred Vampires meant she definitely stood out in terms of scent. It earned her quite a few nasty looks and harsh words from a number of the guests in the room and with Ingrid busy hosting, The Count busy trying to find a new wife and Vlad off trying to find a way to save the Branners from being killed by the large group of hungry Vampires, she was basically left to deal with it all on her own.

There were a number of the guests that didn't care that she was a half-breed, but it was the ones that did that bothered her.

Vlad had given her a hug and apologised for leaving her in such an uncomfortable situation before the two of them went to bed that night, but she just told him it wasn't his fault.

Part of Maize was a little surprised The Count hadn't decided to drag the family back to Transylvania after finding out there was a Slayer in town. The other part of her was relieved because it meant they could still hang out with the friends they'd made while living in Stokely and still attempt to live a somewhat normal life.

The two teens soon parted from their hug, only to jump in surprise at the sudden appearance of Vlad's father.

"Morning, Vladdy. Hurry up and get dressed. We've got Slayers to fight." The Count spoke with a grin before zooming away.


"Did you enjoy the remainder of the Hunt Ball, Master Vlad? Mistress Maize?" Zoltan addressed the duo as they entered the dining room.

"Oh, yeah. We had a blast, right Maize?" Vlad spoke sarcastically.

"Yeah, the music, the dancing. What else was there, Vlad?" Maize replied as she and Vlad sat down at the table, equal sarcasm in her tone.

"Gee, I don't know. Maybe the attempted slaying of my father?"

"Aw, did mister grouchy wake up on the wrong side of the bed?" Ingrid spoke in fake sympathy.

She was playing around with the now empty bottle of poisoned blood that was intended to kill The Count at the Hunt Ball, but ultimately ended up saving his life when he was shot with an arrow by Mr. Vanhellsing.

"I know what will cheer you up." Renfield said from where he was cooking behind them. "A nice bit of bubble and squeak."

He then proceeded to drop the live mouse he was holding into the pot of eyeballs and God knows what else as he gave a laugh.

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