I feel safe in the 5 a.m. light

Start from the beginning

And Taehyung really, really likes that.


They're walking back from Hoseok and Seokjin's place when Taehyung sees the top of a Ferris wheel from a few streets over, and immediately begs Jeongguk to go.

"Please please please," he wheedles, tugging on Jeongguk's arm before latching himself to his boyfriend's side. "I never ask for anything!"

That's a lie, because Taehyung's the type to ask Jeongguk to bring him back a souvenir when Jeongguk goes grocery shopping.

Jeongguk glances between Taehyung's puppy dog eyes and the red flag at the top of the Ferris wheel before sighing heavily – even though Taehyung knows that the quirk in his eyebrows means that Taehyung's done something cute and Jeongguk wants to indulge him. He lets Taehyung tangle their fingers together and drag him up and down five different streets before Jeongguk actually googles the fair on his phone and leads Taehyung down one street and to the entrance with a fond smile, never once letting go of Taehyung's hand.

The fair itself is really fun, like the ones Taehyung remembers from his childhood. He plays the fishing game and the ring toss game and he wins an iron man stuffed figure that Jeongguk was eyeing at the milk bottle game.

They don't go on any of the roller coasters because even though Taehyung loves the rush of adrenaline, Jeongguk doesn't, a mix of fear of heights and hating the twisting feeling of free fall in his stomach. And by this point in their relationship, it's routine to skip over the roller coasters.

(They'd gone through the awkward stage where Jeongguk tried to go on the rides but felt sick afterwards, and when Taehyung tried to go alone but it was no fun to be by himself, and when Jeongguk apologized every time they'd pass a roller coaster, but now – it's comfortable. It's a compromise.)

Of all the rides, the Ferris wheel has always been Taehyung's favourite, so Jeongguk sucks up his nerve to join his excited boyfriend. He's not too scared about it any more, not after how many Ferris wheels he's been on, but it still takes him a few seconds to get used to the shakiness of the compartment.

"This is great!!" Taehyung exclaims, cheering as they're moved upwards, and when they stop somewhere near the top, he turns to tuck himself against Jeongguk. "You doing okay?" he murmurs, petting Jeongguk's hair as if soothing a spooked puppy.

(It is really comforting, though.)

"Yeah," Jeongguk says, and there isn't any tension in his voice, so Taehyung knows Jeongguk's not lying to make him feel better. "I'm glad we came."

"Me too!" Taehyung grins up at him, cheeks turning pink in delight when Jeongguk curls both arms around his smaller form so Taehyung can cuddle into his chest.

"The Ferris wheel is my favourite," Taehyung tells him, drawing hearts on Jeongguk's jean-clad thigh.

"I know," Jeongguk murmurs.

"I love you," Taehyung says.

He can feel Jeongguk's lips curl into a smile against his temple. "I know."

Taehyung gets a stomach ache from eating too much cotton candy at the fair, and Jeongguk, who'd given him disapproving glances and stared Taehyung down with an I-told-you-so look, rubs Taehyung's tummy as the smaller boy whines about it.

"Why didn't you stop me?" Taehyung complains.

"I tried," Jeongguk reminds him. "You know you always crash hard from a sugar high."

He knows, and he does, because his emotions feel all out of whack and his stomach hurts. He glares down at it. "I hate my tummy."

"I don't," Jeongguk smiles a little crookedly, like he's joking but also being totally honest. "I love your tummy."

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