If Only

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If only  I am that aesthetic clouds you always see ,
I'll form a heart and write your name inside it .
If only I am the blue sky you always see ,
I'll alter my color  for thee.

If only I am that viand  you always eat everyday ,
I'll make myself more palatable so you won't spit me out .
If only I am that chair where you always sit ,
I will make myself comfy for thee.

If only I am that bed you're resting in  ,
I will embrace when you're warm nor cold .
If only I am that coffee you sip every morning ,
I'll decrease my temperature so that your  alluring lips won't get burned.

If only you are here by my  side ,
We will do  the things we dreamt to do.
If only we're not far apart,
I will prove that my love for you  is true .

_*✍️Rose 🥀❣️

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