Chapter 6: Hosticide

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The trees themselves seemed to dance in the wind, complemented by the songs the birds were singing. The man walked through another thicket, trying his best to not scratch his more sensitive areas on the random branch or stick. He had been wandering for two days working his way through the trees, drinking water from small puddles and ponds when he could. His stomach began to growl, which was nothing compared to how dry his mouth felt. He watched as two squirrels darted from one tree to another. They chattered as one chased after the other. He would have found it peaceful if not for the hunger that was gnawing at him. Now he wanted them to be in his hands so he can silence his stomach.

Through all ambient noise, he could hear the faint sound of water cascading over stone. Upon this realization, he picked up his pace eager for a drink. He came upon the edge of the tree line to see a small creek in a clearing. The water was rushing around many stones that were scattered throughout the water. The man walked to the edge, fell to his knees, and submerged his head in the water. It wasn't the cleanest, but he didn't care. The water felt cool as it cured his parched throat. He lifted his head out of the water to take a breath, wiping the excess drops off his face with his arm. He knew with a steady source of fluids he would be in good shape. He could follow the creek down until he found a suitable spot for shelter.

He found some stones that lay close enough to one another for him to get across the water without falling in. He hopped over the stones and reached the other side with ease. He only took a few steps forward before seeing another man appear from behind a tree not far from where he was. The stranger, unlike himself, was fully clothed. He had a scruffy beard and a knife attached to his waist. Only seconds went by before the stranger drew his knife and held it up to bare.

"Seems I caught you at a bad time." The stranger laughed pointing his knife at the man towards his waist. "Did your clothes get washed away?" He continued to laugh still brandishing his weapon. "I guess there was another one of you hiding somewhere." He grinned. "We took care of your friends." The stranger began walking towards him, holding the knife out in front of him. "Don't worry you'll be with them soon."

Before the man could object, the stranger lunged after him. The man hopped back and attempted to run back across the stones from where he jumped over previously. It didn't go as well as before, as he lost his footing in the panic and fell into the water. Fortunately, the water was only waist high where he fell. He quickly stood up in the water to see the same fate happen to the stranger. His attacker managed to keep the knife above the water, making his way back to his side of the shore. He knew the stranger simply wouldn't give up just because he got wet. The man hurried after him seeing his opening. He got to the water's edge just as the stranger got his bearing. The man picked up a stone as big as his fist in his right hand and readied himself for a fight. The stranger lunged out, leading with his knife. The man caught his assailant's wrist, narrowly stopping the knife from harming him. He swung out at him with the rock in his hands, aiming for his head. The stranger however blocked the blow with his other arm and tackled him taking both of them to the ground.

The man screamed as the knife nicked his left shoulder. He swung with the rock again this time connecting to the stranger's face. Blood and teeth where sent flying into the air. His assailant went to the ground, landing on his back, still gripping his knife slashing it wildly into the air as he fell.

"You bastard!" The stranger screamed as he attempted to get off the ground.

The man ran forward, shoving him back down to the earth. He dropped his knees onto the assailant's forearm, forcing the knife out of his hands. The stranger screamed as he tossed the man off him. However, now the knife was no longer in his possession. The man quickly grabbed the blade off the ground and drove the blade through the stranger's eye. He let off a scream so loud it sent the birds flying out of their nests in the trees. The man yanked the knife out, taking the strangers eye with it. He wasted no time in driving the knife through the top of the stranger's skull, causing him to twitch as he collapsed on the ground. There he laid, his legs and arms still trying to react as blood seeped out the top of his head, until his motions ceased

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